Hi @Elshafei .I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times. You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?
I’d also recommend you to read 14 helpful tips for using Connect topic where you can find some great tips that will help you get started.
Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us.
If you have been to a place that means something to you or if you want to show us the best photo from your latest trip, this is definitely the right forum to do so. If you want to share other photos, please add a link to an album on Google Photos or to any other place where you have these pictures stored, so we can all take a look.
Please note, there is also a photo limit here on Connect (currently 1,000 photos). If you reach this limit, you’ll have to delete older images before uploading new images.
I recommend you to read the following article, which will help you make your experience here much more enjoyable: 14 helpful tips for using Connect.