Be Healthy and Eat Healthy

Your body is your sanctuary. Keep it unadulterated and clean for the spirit to dwell in.

An introductory to keep you healthy in the times of lockdown

We as a whole realize that eating well is critical to carrying on with a happy and solid life. However, regularly we will, in general, overlook this and don’t concentrate on our sustenance and eat whatever we wish to.

Good sustenance is a significant piece of driving a solid way of life. At the point when joined with physical movement, your eating regimen can assist you with reaching and keep up a solid body, decrease the danger of ceaseless sicknesses and advance your general wellbeing.

Yet at the same time, we will in general disregard the reality of eating spotless and will, in general, eat bunches of garbage and unfortunate nourishment, particularly at home. If you’re not eating well nourishments at home, at that point I can envision what you may be eating outside.

I’ve seen in numerous family units eating refined nourishments consistently which is extremely unfortunate reasoning that they taste great, which helped me to remember an acclaimed saying which states, “Not everything scrumptious is sound”.

Along these lines, here are the most ideal changes you can do at home in your nourishment for better and solid prosperity which in the end would change your wellbeing.

1-Cut Refined Sugar

These days, sugar is turning into a need in each family unit beginning from its use in refreshments to adding it to your oats. The saddest part is, the greater part of the populace expands sugar without knowing the dietary realities about sugar.

There are various kinds of sugar accessible in the worldwide market i.e dark coloured sugar, crude pure sweetener, coconut sugar and, the most mainstream, refined sugar.

You may be pondering, “Hello, I’ve never caught wind of coconut sugar, dark coloured sugar, and crude genuine sweetener, yet no doubt I utilize refined sugar”.

I get it that in many spots coconut sugar, darker sugar and crude stick are not accessible but rather you have to quit expending refined sugar (or white sugar).

You may be pondering now, "Hello, what’s up with refined sugar? Everybody utilizes it. We’ve been utilizing it for a long time.

We as a whole realize that sugar is created from the sugarcane plants, however, what we should be knowing is its handling technique. After separating the stick juice, sugar is purged, sifted and solidified into crude sugar. This crude sugar is then refined to deliver refined sugar by expelling molasses.

This refining procedure takes out all the supplements from the sugar, leaving it just sweet. This refining sugar is terrible for your wellbeing as it might build the danger of corpulence, coronary illness and type 2 diabetes.

Hello, you realize what there is a modest option for refined sugar i.e Jaggery. You can supplant refined sugar with jaggery (either in crude or powder structure) to improve your wellbeing in the long haul.

P.S. Jaggery is exceptionally sweet, in certainty far superior to refined sugar.

2-Cut Refined Oil

Oil is fundamental with regards to cooking, and nearly everybody utilizes it consistently. Be that as it may, what you have to know is about the sorts of Oil and their nourishing advantages.

There is an assortment of Oil you may be utilizing like Mustard Oil, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Groundnut Oil, Olive Oil, and Refined oil.

Expecting, you’re very wellbeing aware (obviously you’re), I propose to quit utilizing refined oil. Cut refined oil from your kitchen. Oil gets refined by utilizing different synthetic compounds like Hexane that are destructive to the human body, so you have to stay away from it as much as possible.

Refined oil gets dyed to extricate the most extreme measure of oil because of which at whatever point we heat refined oil, it gets changed over into trans fat which is destructive to our heart and other essential organs.

Refined oil contains Trans fat and has a high measure of Saturated fat which is extremely awful for your wellbeing that can cause deadly illnesses like elevated cholesterol, coronary failure, heart stroke, and so forth in the longterm.

These days, refined oil arrives in an assortment of names like Castor oil, Palm oil, Corn oil, Vegetable oil, Soyabean oil, Rice grain oil, Sunflower oil. You have to keep away from these and supplant these (refined substance unfortunate oils) with Coconut oil, Olive oil and Mustard Oil for your better wellbeing.

3-Cut Refined Flour

Refined flour, additionally alluded to as Maida, is a sort of flour utilized in family units, pastry shops, eateries, and so on.

Hello, sit tight for a second, do you at any point realize how refined flour is made? On the off chance that truly, at that point I expect that you’re not utilizing it, however, if you don’t have the foggiest idea, at that point you should be thinking about it.

Refined Flour (or Maida) is produced using Whole Wheat Flour i.e it is delivered from the Wheat Flour endosperm (a boring white piece of the grain).

You may be feeling that “What’s up with Refined Flour? I’ve been devouring it for a considerable length of time and it didn’t cause any issue so is there any good reason why I shouldn’t utilize it”.

Flour is an essential wellspring of Carbohydrates i.e it’s an unpredictable starch that contains most supplements and in particular, it contains fibre. In any case, refined flour is a basic carb that doesn’t have numerous supplements and has fibre evacuated.

Research has expressed that devouring refined flour all the time could expand the danger of numerous illnesses like sort 2 diabetes, cholesterol and heftiness to give some examples.

So to have a sound body and a solid future, you have to quit eating refined flour and supplant it with entire wheat flour. A few nourishments that for the most part contain refined wheat flour are bread, noodles, pies, cakes to give some examples.

Hello, I’m not instructing you to quit eating these nourishments, damnation not! It’s simply that at whatever point you wish to eat these sorts of nourishments, consistently guarantee that these are produced using entire wheat flour, not refined flour.

4-Eat more Veggies

You presumably are eating these as of now, however, hello, are you eating these in a necessary sum. We as a whole realize that green veggies are brimming with supplements including nutrients and minerals (particularly iron and calcium), and, these are low in calories.

So there is positively no explanation that tries not to eat these. On the off chance that you don’t eat veggies all the more frequently, at that point my companion, you have to incorporate these superfoods in your eating routine consistently. You should remember veggies for your suppers at any rate 2-3 servings, most likely during breakfast, lunch, and supper.

Eating veggies have loads of medical advantages including:

High in micronutrients i.e nutrients and minerals.

It has iron and calcium that helps in delivering solid bones.

You get an adequate measure of fibre which is an unquestionable requirement for your solid discharge.

They are high in cancer prevention agents that ensure your cells against free radicals that cause coronary illness, malignant growth to give some examples.

Diet high in vegetables helps bring down the danger of heart infections.

It helps in gleaming skin and decreases cushioned skin.

In this way, it is smarter to remember veggies for your suppers consistently to get these advantages for a sound body. Also, perhaps the most ideal approaches to devour veggies is as serving of mixed greens.

Plates of mixed greens are extremely nutritious and they are low in calories which implies you can eat a serving of mixed greens as much as possible till you get filled.

In this way, the main concern is “Eat more veggies and Stay Healthy”.

5-Drink enough Water

This is likely the most significant point among all. A great many people don’t drink enough water saying that they are not parched, they neglect to drink all the more frequently, and so forth.

Drinking water is something that you can’t overlook. Other than hydrating us, which is marvellous obviously, water is going to flush out all the poisons and all the contaminations from our body.

The essential proposal of drinking water is in any event 3-4 litres for each day for a sound individual, when all is said in done. If your somebody who will in general neglect to drink water all the more regularly, at that point what you can do is take a 1-litre water container and get done with drinking it four times each day.

Some significant advantages of drinking an abundant measure of water each day are:

· It helps in weight reduction.

· You stay stimulated and hydrated constantly.

· It decreased weariness.

· Helps keep up pulse

· Flushes body waste and poisons

· Boosts skin wellbeing and excellence

In this way, drink water more often than not and consistently remain hydrated. Make it a propensity for drinking water on explicit occasions in a day, so you could undoubtedly drink it without overlooking.


Regardless of whether you have a functioning way of life or an inactive way of life, you ought to be dealing with your body by eating well nourishments because there is a well-known adage that states, “Wellbeing is riches”. To abstain from eating refined things, remember more veggies for your eating regimen and drink huge amounts of water every day to have a sound way of life and a solid body.

Have a go at joining these tips for in any event two or three weeks, and I can guarantee that you will see a major distinction in your wellbeing and you will feel more cheerful and lively than any time in recent memory.

Do tell me whether these nourishment tips helped you or not.

Thanking You


@situnamrit very healthy recipe. How many times do you take this meal in a day

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Hi @situnamrit ,

Thanks for sharing your tips and interesting ideas on how to eat and stay healthy.

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Thanks for letting me know the same - Moreover I had added the image courtesy for BBC - FOOD, Still the same I can use google open library for the photos,I had removed the same

On a serious note, I have been following a diet plan for 2 months.

I take green juice and then start my morning routine.

I can provide the food list in another post

Please let me know