Batu Local Guides : Songgoriti Photo Walk 2017

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Ayo bergabung dalam acara Batu Local Guides yang bertajuk Batu Local Guides : Songgoriti Photo Walk 2017

Songgoriti Photo Walk adalah acara kedua yang diadakan oleh Batu Local Guides, berlokasi di Kawasan Wisata Songgoriti, dengan agenda utama memetakan kawasan villa, sarana umum dan usaha kecil ke dalam Google Map. Dengan digelarnya acara ini, diharapkan agar masyarakat, khususnya pelaku usaha kecil bisa terbantu dan ikut tampil dalam peta Google. Demi lancarnya kegiatan ini, diharapkan agar seluruh peserta datang tepat waktu dan ikut menjaga ketertiban umum. Dalam pengambilan foto dan review, agar dilakukan dengan tetap menghormati adat istiadat setempat dan selalu berkomunikasi secara baik kepada masyarakat setempat.


Yay, another photo walk! Can’t wait to check out the photos from the meet-up! Go Batu Local Guides!


Thanks a lot for ur support, @JeslynL

We just curious about why our event can’t appear on the meet-up calendar after we submitted.
Would you help us to check this out?


Hi @br14n ! Only select meet-ups will be featured on the Local Guides Calendar. Selection depends on a number of factors including timing, existing events and meet-ups, calendar space, general appeal, and the Googley-ness of an event.

Hope this information is useful. :slight_smile:


Thank’s @JeslynL

Now we can see our event on the calendar… Would be nice if you can join us tomorrow…

Can’t wait our unnoficial community appear on the map


Hooray, @br14n ! I see it on the calendar now, too. I wish I was able to join all of you, but I don’t live in Indonesia. Next time when I am in the area, perhaps! :slight_smile:

How was photowalk? I am excited to see the photos from it as usual.

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@JeslynL , we are all have fun all the time

We walk around the Songgoriti tourist area, take a lot of picture, and met the chairman of this area.
This is some picture of the event
Can’t wait to read your comment :wink:



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Insyaa Allah kediri hadir! :heart_eyes:

Lhooo, ini acara udah lewat mbak @andiniseptamasari :smiley:
Next event yang ini nih Air Bicara, Kolaborasi Peduli Mata Air

Monggo join yaa…

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Loh, aku kira bleum! :joy:

Makasih sudah share yg next eventnya, mau buka linknya dan cocokin jadwal supaya bisa ketemu! :slight_smile: