Bathing in warm mineral water in Pyatigorsk

Pyatigorsk (Stavropol region of Russia) is famous for its mineral water springs. You can drink these waters absolutely free of charge in the so called “byuvet” - there are at least 2 of them opened for general public at special working hours. Moreover, you can have a bath of naturally warm mineral water also free of charge but 24/7!

In many other mineral water resorts even in the nearby Kislovodsk and Essentuky you have to be a client of a sanatorium or at least to receive a medical statement to be admitted to the mineral water baths (for sure it will take your time and money). Only here in Pyatigorsk you can take the bus #1 from the main railway station and go to “Proval” by this bus getting off 2 busstops before the end. And you will see “Narodnye vanny” (it’s the name of the busstop), also called “Besstyzhie vanny” (shameless baths) by the locals.

Then just mind your time, your pulse and your personal belongings and enjoy the warm water and the view of the city. Remember: some of these baths have water of +50+60C and some +36C so you should not spend more 10 minutes in the water without a break.