Bara Sardar Bari Lake - Sonargaon Folk Art & Craft Museum

This Photo Was taken on Bara Sardar Bari lake.

Sonargaon City Was established in 13th century, Was the old capital of bengal. Full of culture, mughals empire & astonishing architecture.

Later based on the history, Sonargaon Museum was established by the famous painter Joynul Abedin in 12 march 1975, on an old house called Bara Sardar Bari,Now this Museum contains more than 10 building, lakes, thousands of belongings of mughals, british. Preserved Eye pleasant arts, handy crafts and popular culture and native items.

#sonargaon #BDLG #sonargao #BangladeshLocalGuides #সোনারগাঁ #BaraSardarBari #AkterAshik


@AkterAshik ein guter Beitrag und ein wunderschönes Foto, herrlich


@Annaelisa Vielen Dank

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@AkterAshik I can imagine many pieces of art and History in that museum.The British and Bengal common culture preserved.

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Multi Cultural Preservation. I will post more information very soon, hope you will enjoy

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