
Is there some way for a user to find out WHY?

This is (was) a local guide with 15 thousand contributions, it is a bit weird to kick him out without a reason, isn’t it?


Fill out the APPEAL FORM if you really baned and wait the response from Google


Good Luck

I have one theory, it might be because on the new Pixel phone there was a second account for security reasons (all passwords on an account that isn’t used anywhere else so that banking etc passwords can’t be leaked) and by accident maybe a dozen times something was posted from that account. When it pops up with a suggestion for a review you don’t notice which account is asking for it.

Anyway I deleted those dozen contributions, hopefully some human in Google will weight that against 25 million photo views and all the other stuff done over the past decade.

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Hi @DataFox

It is not against the guidelines to have two Google accounts. But you can not have 2 accounts signed up to the Local Guides Program.

Suspended local guides can find help in my tutorial called How to Get In and Out of Trouble as a Local Guide.


  1. It might not be possible to get unsuspended
  2. It can be a lot of work cleaning up whatever mistakes were made
  3. You may need to use an incognito window/tab to view the posts in my tutorial.

Best of luck

Yeah, didn’t know that. It was just a few contributions done by accident, deleted them now.

Hii @DataFox First of all delete all suspicious activity which you have made in past. Than after fill the appeal form. I wish you could unbaned soon

Thanks, yes, hopefully it is the half dozen posts by accident from the wrong profile.

The only thing it doesnt let me delete is a few edits on place names etc


You received a lot of great indications here:

  • Filling the appeal form
  • Cleaning Your contributions
  • Remembering that you should Clean the account BEFORE to fill the appeal form

All this will be very helpful, but on the same time it will be useless as you stille violating one of the main rules: according to the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions : “Contributions to Google Maps must originate from a single Google account to count towards benefits and cannot be transferred between owned accounts

It means that, till you are a Local guide with This Account, there is no way even to check your profile, as you are violating the rules for the simple fact of being a Local guide with this account. Please leave the Local Guide program with this profile ASAP

Great point, ok, but how do I leave connect now?


Here the Link to leave the Local Guides Program:

And here below the steps to follow to leave this community: How to close your Connect profile

Good luck