Bangla new year starts from 14th April in every Gregorian calendar. First month of Bangla year is Grishmo which is under hot summer season. This year we celebrated Bangla New Year 1431. This year it is very unique as Bangla new year celebration comes right after Eid-Ul-Fitre.
On this day, we visited Bhatiary lake and sunset point with my family. We started our journey from Colonel Hut which is 12km away from Bhatiary. As it was a Bangla New Year, I wore a traditional punjabi. During summer, cotton punjabi is very comfortable to wear. We reached over Bhatiary about 4.30pm when the sun was still hot and clear in the sky. We bought three tickets for entry which costed Tk20 each. The sunset point area is under Bangladesh Military management. The area is not much big. There are three small hill tops available to watch the sunset. There are sitting arrangement with fixed umbrella shade. People take photos from various angles as the scenery of the surroundings from the hills look beautiful. Bhatiary is mainly consists of small hills and artificial lake that is connected with Foy’s Lake. Bhatiary road is very scenic due to green trees and zigzag hillly road.
There is a flat area above the sea level from where bay of Bengal is visible and it is the main point to enjoy the sunset in the clear sky. We roamed whole area and took some photos for our beautiful memories. After staying an hour, we came out from the sunset and enjoyed walking through the beautiful road. Down the road, the serene lake is visible and people take photos from the road. There are some Shimul trees (Cotton trees) from which the cottons were floating from the trees. My daughter felt like snow flowing from the sky! There was a gentle breeze that helps to fly the cottons in the up. She found it very interesting.
Due to the public holiday, there were a good number of people there. It is always nice to see people enjoying with family and friends out of hectic life. We took some good photos and a few videos for collecting some moments in the mobile camera. After watching lovely sunset, we returned to our home. It was a nice day hanging out with family.
Caption: Family picture from Bhatiary lake
Caption: Bhatiary Road
Caption: Father and daughter during the sunset
Caption: Bhatiary sunset point
Caption: The sunset from Bhatiary
Caption: Hill view