Bananas--the magical food & fruit πŸ˜‹

Dear connect community stalwarts,

Today’s conversation with you is about magical food and fruit Bananas :banana: .

Bananas :banana: are among the most important food crops on the planet.

Bananas :banana: are healthy source of fibre, potassium, vitamins B6 ,vitamins C and various antioxidants.

Many types and sizes exist . Their colour usually ranges from green to yellow. But some varieties are red .

A diabetic person should not eat it as contains high calories.

I do hope my young friends would like this discussion.


Caption : Samsung Galaxy smartphone has been used for this photograph.


I still love Banana, I posted before about it here @ShekharMuz_5 [Local Guides Connect - Red Banana and others from Cambodia Cambodian foo… - Local Guides Connect


great post! Banana can be use as a fruits and as a curry (green banana) @ShekharMuz_5

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Thanks @AbdullahAM , you are a great member of this community. Your posts to me are welcome .