Baltimore Waterfront in Canton

One of the most underrated spots of the water is from the Canton Waterfront Park in Baltimore. Here’s a shot that was taken this winter during the early morning. Hope you guys like.


Hello @Initial_E ,

Thanks for sharing your photo. It looks great, very professional! Please tell us what camera did you use and how did you set it to capture the reflection of the buildings in the water?

I thought you might be interested in reading this post How to take great photos in low light.

And last but not least, don’t forget to Introduce Yourself too, and feel free to ask if you need any help or tips.

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Hi @MoniDi thanks for the positive comments and link to the how to guide.

I wouldnt say professional but not too bad :wink:

Gear was Canon M6, Manfrotto tripod, 15-45mm kit lens. I think 8 second exposure.

I plan on sharing more pics and would love for you to check them out in the time to come.

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What an interesting and beautiful experience @Initial_E hehe! I liked the photos of the waterfront. A while ago I also did a tour of the waterfront of my city, I leave the link to my publication in case you are interested in reading it: Walking the Costanera Of Ushuaia :slight_smile: Thank you!

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