Bakso kotak

Meatballs are a favorite menu of Indonesia people who are very famous and legendary and even their popularity has reached abroad, but this time the meatballs are somewhat different from what we know from their appearance, usually they are round like pingpong balls, but this time are square shaped like dice. different but the basic ingredients to make are still the same as the round meatballs from beef ingredients and spices of choice and the taste does not change with the round meatballs, box meatballs are very suitable if consumed with warm soup will also increase the freshness of the meat. the special taste of meatballs for our tongue, with the addition of vermicelli noodles and yellow noodles as a complement can also be added to celery leaf vegetables and other ingredients such as dumplings and tofu.


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Artikel anda sebaiknya dilengkapi deskripsi yang jelas tentang bakso kotak dari Lampung, agar semua memahami apa yang anda maksud, dan dilengkapi photo terkait dengan judul

Selamat berkontribusi

Salam Hormat
Admin Indonesia Local Guides

Dedi Sopandi Sofwan
PaDeSSo ~ Bandung


Siap bang…o iya q terkendala dalam proses unggah foto di localguides connect


Hi @Beni_ap1ndo

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Semoga bermanfaat


Akhirnya bang @Beni_ap1ndo bisa mengupload foto di artikelnya.

Untuk artikel berikutnya diharapkan dilengkapi deskripsi dari topik yang dibahas

Salam Hormat
Admin Indonesia Local Guides

Dedi Sopandi Sofwan
PaDeSSo ~ Bandung


Hello @Beni_ap1ndo and welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing your photo with us! Can you tell us something more about this delicious dish? Is it with meat?

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