
I just received this badge :heart: :heart_eyes: :heart: love this. I like to be a good friend, and I try to be a better person everyday.

Lets spread kindness also around the world, beside our achievements, success, wealth, what is all that if we cannot share goodness with others ?

In every area of our life every day we have the chance of making a difference in someone’s life, for good.

That’s all what matters.


Hi @Alexandra77 this a new Google local guides account your?


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Congratulations on the achievement @Alexandra77

That is impressive :+1: and very well said.

To that, I will add ‘Throw kindness around like confetti’

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@user_not_found Hi, you mean if I am new as google guide, yes, I consider me new and imperfect :slightly_smiling_face:

@TusharSuradkar Thank you ! I like that idea of kindness as confetti

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Well done @Alexandra77 , you have taken yet another small step forward :wink:

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Hi @Alexandra77 Good Morning. Good luck with Google Local Guide. Hope you make a good contribution to the community… Thanks

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Congratulations****:partying_face: :tada:

Stay tuned stay connected

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@user_not_found @I hope so too. I will try my best. Thanks :smirk:

@Shivam_mungara Thank you

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