Bada Imambara and Hussainabad

Wonder of indo islamic architecture


Place looks good indeed. What can you share about the architecture of this landmark, @Gypsyrider ?

This is a marvellous example of islamic architecture.

The Bara Imambara is, in fact, a great hall built at the end of a spectacular courtyard approached through two magnificent triple-arched gateways. The central hall of the Imambara is almost 50 meters in length and 16-meter wide. The ceiling of this columnless hall is more than 15-meter high. The hall is one of the largest of its kind in the world without any external support of wood, iron, or stone beams. The roof has been put together with interlocking bricks without using a beam or a girder. Hence, it is viewed as a unique achievement of architecture. The building, which consists of three huge halls, has an amazing maze of corridors hidden in between its walls that are about 20 feet thick. This dense, dark maze called the ‘bhul bhulaiya’ is to be explored only if you are strong-hearted. It is a network of more than 1000 labyrinthine passages, some of which have dead-ends, some end at precipitous drops while others lead to entrance or exit points. Help of an “approved” guide is recommended if one wants a tour of the secret labyrinth without getting lost.

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Thanks for the website clarification. What I was mainly interested is your personal opinion about the architecture. Which elements of the architecture impressed you most or you didn’t like?