Backpacking Europe. spain x paris x holland x belgium and italy in 25 days of travel.

fa journey of the soul…a journey of the soul…a journey of the soul…a journey of the soul…a journey of the soul…a journey of the soul…


Hi there @FreakArt

Looks like you have an enjoyable trip in Europe and I can imagine you have many wonderful photos taken along the trip. Tell us more stories about it and have you shared them in Google Maps as well?



Hallo, @FreakArtWelcome to Connect! If this is your first visit, you’ve come to the right place. This post will serve as a guide for everything you need to know about contributing content and engaging with the Local Guides community on Connect”. This is the first of the information that you will find in “Your guide to Connect” , the introductory Guide of the community. In there you will find all the necessary information to know how to better contribute in here.

What a journey, I believe you will have a lot of things to tell us.

What not to add some experience about each place, instead of jumping here a big set of photo? Do you know that we can post only a limited amount of photos in Connect, and with 3 post you already used 1/5 of your space?

For more information please check: Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first

I suggest you to read also How do I write a post on Connect? . A well written post can be extremely engaging, and we will also know more about you and your experience as a Local Guide.

You know, the risk for a photographer, like you are, is to fall in love with your photo, and to forget that behind every photo there is a story, a story that only you know. What about to share that story with us?

Do you have a doubt about how to do something? The Help desk is here for you,with a long list of post with detailed indications on how to post.

Which kind of contents we share in the community? What are Connect topics? will give you an explanation


Hi fellow LG @TravellerG
Thanks for the comment, it inspires me to keep creating creative content.

I’m studying how to communicate better around here, learning from the moderators who are always very kind, like you my friend!

Thank you for your help!

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Sorry for the delay in replying…

I was travelling with guests and hence couldn’t respond. Sorry for the delay in replying…

You are always welcome, dear LG friend @FreakArt