[AWARDS] Local Guides Travel Quiz Winners! Who are they?.. #CommunityLive2020

Hi Local Guides!

We all have the same passion, we love traveling!

Even during these challenging times we don’t miss a chance to travel at least virtually.

That’s why for the first breakout-session of Community Live 2020 we invited our attendees to travel around the World with ‘Local Guides Travel Quiz’.

We had a fun quiz, we competed, and we have winners!

Who are they? So excited to know them!

Are you ready? Go!!!

Our team - @KashifMisidia , @Nyainurjanah @Cecilita , @SoniaK and I have read hundreds of Travel posts on Connect to compose tricky questions for our attendees!

We have visited America and Australia, Croatia and Chile, Cambodia and Cuba!..

We crossed oceans, swam across seas, overcame the deserts… We learned and laughed together!

Thank you Lusiana Lusi, George Khoury, Peter Williams, Vandana, Ania Kiser, Chananart Chivapruk, Jayasimha Nuggehalli, SilvyC, Justine Edward, Jon Bekkevoll, Flavio DA, Riya Mathew, Khamput, Carlos García Ramírez, Umair Siddiqui, Alexandre Oliveira, Maria Ngo, Yuliia Za, Govind jha, SK, Devansh Jain, Falguni Paleja for making this an extraordinarily fabulous experience!

Let’s watch how it was going on in this Video

…We were racing! The competition turned out to be incredibly intense and fun! All the participants were very active and competed for winning the Local Guides Travel Quiz!

The Final Round has decided everything!

And the winners are:

:trophy: George Khoury @GKhouri is a Local Guide level 8 from Greece! :clap: :clap: :clap:

:trophy: Carlos García Ramírez @CarlosGarciaRm is a Local Guide level 6 from Colombia! :clap: :clap: :clap:

:trophy: Peter Williams @PeteMHW is a Local Guide level 7 from the United Kingdom! :clap: :clap: :clap:

We congratulate our winners! :tada: :tada: :tada:

To know more about another #CommunityLive2020 Awards winners, check out the following posts:

Please feel free to share your greetings and congratulations for Local Guides Travel Quiz winners on the comments below!


I’m very happy to mention here @Lusianaa , @vvbellur , @AniaKiser , @Ant_Bad_Yogi , @jayasimha78 , @SilvyC , @JustineE , @JonBekkevoll , @FlavioDA and @RiyaM

It was amazing to have you with us!


I’m very happy to tag here @KhamphoutS , @UmairSiddiqui, @AlexdreOliveira , @MariaNgo , @YuliiaZa , @SK, @DevanshJain, and @FalguniP !

Thanks a lot for joining us! It was a lot of fun!

p.s. Hope I didn’t miss anyone, please feel free to mention me in comments.


Thank you @JaneBurunina for the recap ,and massive kudos also for hardwork to the team all the

@SoniaK @KashifMisidia @Cecilita

Congratulations for all the winner and thank you so much for all attendees,happy great time with all of you


@JaneBurunina Thank you for fun time and congratulation to the winners!!! :clap:


Thank you @JaneBurunina for the recap. Also, thank you to @SoniaK @Nyainurjanah @Cecilita @KashifMisidia for organizing this travel quiz. It was so fun! Well done! Congrats to all the winners! :clap:


you are really doing a great job thanks for this great meet up and recap it will be really full of knowledge. @JaneBurunina


@JaneBurunina thank you for the fun quiz

Love it


Thank you to the team for this fun session. @JaneBurunina @KashifMisidia @Cecilita @SoniaK @Nyainurjanah and @AdrianLunsong

Congratulations to the winners @GKhouri @CarlosGarciaRm @PeteMHW


Fantastic! It was really amazing quiz!

You had

a lot of fun! The questions were very intresting,and a little difficult.

Great job of team local moderators.My congratulations to the winners!

Thank you so much dear @JaneBurunina for sharing this wonderful post and perfect session.


Thanks @JaneBurunina was really funny to attend this Travel Quiz Meet-Up. Congratulations to the wonderful winners @PeteMHW @CarlosGarciaRm @GKhouri


Silvy :argentina:


thank you @SilvyC :hugs:


Congratulations to @GKhouri @CarlosGarciaRm and @PeteMHW for their magnificent performance!


What an amazing recap @JaneBurunina The Meet Up was excellent, congratularions to all the hosts. And I’m verte happy for getting the 2nd place :grin:


Massive kudos and thank you so much for great post by all amazing local guide as part of travel quiz question list ( credit from your post showing in every questions during the presentation quiz , check it out on the video )

Congratulations your post travel selected abd here recap all the post for 20 questions for breakout H1 travel quiz

Part 1

  1. @DENIT33 - Cubas Skills
  2. @MaxWalsh - SANTORINI-Place-of-the-most-beautiful-sunsets-SUPER-POST and The-mysterious-Easter-Island-Chile
  3. @Kwiksatik - Where-the-Trees-have-Souls
  4. @davo_dw - Kangaroo-Island-The-Island-full-of-Kangaroos
  5. @Erna_LaBeau - What-to-do-in-Chicago-Illinois
  6. @Tomislav_CRO - Bra%C4%8D-Island-Tour-Golden-Cape-Blaca-Hermitage-and-an-Abandoned
  7. @TusharSuradkar - Szechenyi-Suspension-Bridge-on-River-Danube-in-Budapest
  8. @Sophia_Cambodia - Glamping-Amazing-outdoor-experience-at-Cardamom-Tented-Camp
  9. @Mohammadalauddin - A-Matter-of-Accessible-Love-The-Best-Wheelchair-Accessible-Ramps
  10. @Lusianaa - The-Exotic-Pink-Beach-of-Komodo-Island

Part 2


Thank you for sharing this with us @Nyainurjanah and amazing preparation @JaneBurunina I just had a chance to go through.


@JaneBurunina Dette var gøy selv om jeg synes spørsmålene var i overkant utfordrende. Men slik skal det være. Jeg er meget imponert over vinnerne :clap:t3:


@JaneBurunina Dear Zhanna, thank you for sharing this post and the video! Thumbs up for the quiz idea!

It was great to see some familiar faces and I’m glad that a question about Croatia also found its way to the quiz!

Congrats to the winners!


wowww!!! What an amazing recap of one of the best meet-ups I ever attended or hosted. Remarkable team work by team travel quiz. What we did before the meet-up it was really hard to explain, reading so many posts, making questions from these fantastic posts, filling alot of Google Docs pages. I want to say that it was the best example of Girls power @SoniaK who was the best presenter (very first time I was hosting a meet-up with her , but now I wish to host many mutual meet-ups with her in future) , @JaneBurunina who lead the meet-up like leading from the front and the mastermind of all agendas, scripts, @Cecilita brain of the team, an awesome person, and active during meetup with seven senses, @Nyainurjanah a brilliant member who read hundreds of post to make pick questions for this quiz meet-up.

Indeed it was an unforgettable experience for me, and for all attendees who joined the best session of #Communitylive2020 .

And big thanks to @AdrianLunsong for everything , for his precious efforts and To put a smile on hundreds of faces .

Shukriya :pray: