Update (2/1/21): I’ve added the video to the Closing Ceremony at the end of this post so that you can watch the Awards getting presented and the announcement of all winners! Enjoy! And once again, congrats to all winners and thanks so much for your participation!
Season’s greetings everyone! I hope you’ve all started this special day with a bit of a spring in your step and a huge grin on your face! I’m here to add to the happy day by announcing the winners from our Top Friday Favourites award which was presented during the closing ceremony of #CommunityLive2020.
The Friday Favourites is a series run by the Google Moderators where every Friday, they would highlight their favourite posts from the community! As you can imagine, it’s quite an honour to get selected and shared to the whole community and we really appreciate and enjoy that series! So much so that for the awards night at Community Live 2020, we decided that we wanted to pick our (Connect Moderators) favourites from the pool of favourites!
So we went back as far as June 2020 (we didn’t have time to cover the whole of 2020 as there were a lot of posts to go through!) thanks to the amazing work of @JaneBurunina and then together with @PaulPavlinovich , they read every single post and narrowed it down to the top three that really stood out! I have no idea how they did it: that’s a LOT of reading and it must have been so hard to pick the final top three!! But they did it and here are the community’s winners for the Top Friday Favourites award!
Again, these winners are unranked i.e. no 1st, 2nd nor 3rd.
My Favourite Food at Vrindavan by @Saurabhtheexplorer
Jane: I enjoyed this complex looking food process and feel this post is unique and authentic
Paul: This simply oozes local culture, is written well and I really enjoy the street culture feel of the photography.
The original Friday Favourite post:Friday Favorites: what to see along the Inn River, snacks in Vrindavan, and more by @MashaPS . This post was selected by @BorrisS and you can read his comments in the post above!
Purple Posbank part #1 by @Erik_van_den_Ham
Jane: Very detailed and attractive photos, Erik continues to improve his posts
Paul: The photography in this one is stunning - Erik knows his stuff and he’s surrounded by sheep! I do think that some of this information was lifted from Wikipedia and while he took the trouble to avoid plagiarism and rewrite it for me this takes a bit away from the post
The original Friday Favourite post:Friday Favorites: purple heather fields, Russian sweets, and more by @Bobiisha and the post was selected by @AngieYC . Check the post out to find out what Angie thought of the beautiful purple heather fields!
touring | curaçao - add a little caribbean colour to your life by @travelwithcarlo
Paul: This person knows how to make photos and write decent copy, and the post has a slick travel magazine feel to it
Jane: I love writing manner of the author and attractive photos
The original Friday Favourite post:Friday Favorites: the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, a Caribbean island, and more by @KlaudiyaG who was also the Google Moderator who selected the post as her favourite! Again, do check out the post to find out why Klaudiya picked this lovely travel post of a paradise island in the Caribbeans!
Once again, congratulations to all the winners!!!
Great posts and great stories!!
You can watch the Closing Ceremony video below and re-live the excitement of the Awards as they are are announced together with the amazing winners!
To know more about another #CommunityLive2020 Awards winners, check out the following posts:
- [AWARDS] Community Love Challenge #CommunityLive2020
- [AWARDS] Community Food Fight Challenge #CommunityLive2020
- [AWARDS] And the #ComunityChefChallenge award goes to…
- [AWARDS] #CommunityLive2020 celebrates the Top posts of #MonthlyTopic in 2020
- [AWARDS] Local Guides Travel Quiz Winners! Who are they?.. #CommunityLive2020
- [AWARDS] Community Meet-up Challenge #CommunityLive2020 … who are your winners!?!
- [AWARDS] And your winners for #CommunityReviewChallenge are…
- [AWARDS] Our favourite photos from the #CommunityPhotoChallenge #CommunityLive2020
- [AWARDS] It’s Friday so it’s gotta be a Friday Favourites Awards post!! #CommunityLive2020