When U Come Accross Hyderabad U Never Want This Authentic Foods To Be Missed *Paya (Breakfast) *Biryani(Lunch) *Haleem(Snack) *Mandi(supper)
It’s Gonna Be Starnge To If I Tell U Need To Eat The Breakfast Before 6 A.m… Coz This Is The Time U Would Expereince The Quench Sips Of Paya From It’s Core Taste…Paya is Basically A Broth Made Out Of Limbs Of Serveral Goats Cooked In a huge Chillum For Several Hours.It’s Quite Interesting That U Can Chew the bones as if u got superhuman strength in ur mouth…The places as I Describe above Is At Mangalhat & several other places *Paya Cafe Yusufia(Mangalhat) *Hotel Nayaab *Hotel Shadab *Hotel Sohai.
Biryani It’s A Cobimation Of several Indian Spices & Masalas that u could feel in one receipe is Biryani…u Would Feel Ashmed If Someone Asks U Like " U Have Visited Hyderabad But Haven’t Eaten Biryani " it Does Hurt…Before it’s too late I m gonna tell u top five restaurants in Hyderabad for biryani #1 Bawarchi (RTC X ROADS) #2 ShahGouse #3 CafeBahar #4 Grand Hotel
Their z Lot Of Snacks Out Dare U Can Try U Would Like To Eat My Personal Favourite Haleem It’s Kinda Seasonal Food But It’s Available off season from the makers of PISTA HOUSE…Their Are Lot Of Outlets in Hyderabd Ware U Can Consume This Rich spiced up bomshell ready to go off in ur mouth. If Ur On Season i.e During the month of Ramdan Their z this restuarant SHAHGOUSE Which Tastes Good Too *PistaHouse *ShahGouse Supper Last but Not Least If U Want Night Rides Hyderabad is the best place u can Hangout In…Coz It Is Rich In Diverse Of Food & Culture That U Can Find In Rest Of The Country But Not This Authentic Arabian Dish Mandi…While U Waterdown Ur Mouth Here are the top restaurants u can enjoy this dish *Mataam Al Arabi (srisailamhigway) *Al Madina Mandi House(malakpet) *Capital Restuarant (T.v Tower) From the Day U Start The Breakfast Till The Supper U Eat U Would Jus Feel The Authenticity Of The Foods In Hyderabad…It’s Unlikely that their are thousands of restaurants u could try them…but The Authenticity is only felt & pleasured from The Art Of Authentic Chefs…