What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Australia’? Is it Steve Irwin, throwing a shrimp on the barbie, or perhaps the land down under? How about the world’s first polymer bank notes, wifi or the multiple connection cochlear implant? All Australian inventions by the way.
#teamAustralia decided that, for our #teamchallenge, we would focus on Australia’s creativity, inventiveness and ingenuity. Each member of #teamAustralia has chosen an Australian invention which means something to them to write about. We will also each be writing a second post which will have a cultural focus. Each post is linked by #teamAustralia and #teamchallenge.
The first post, by @PaulPavlinovich was written about Australia’s first people:
We have all posted, or will be posting in the coming weeks so, keep an eye out for #teamAustralia and play along And thanks to Connect Moderator @ErmesT for dreaming up this great challenge.
@JustineE I think of Sydney Opera House. It is nice to have #teamAustralia with us. I’m looking forward to reading your team’s posts. Thank you for sharing this introduction to #teamAustralia with us.
Thank you so much for accepting the challenge, and for responding with a so great series of post, that are letting us know more and more about Australia
Thank you @ErmesT . I wasn’t exactly sure how to do it, but I followed the lead from #teamArgentina. Nothing like learning by doing! Thanks for adding David’s post too.
It is my pleasure. You are most welcome Justine. It is great to finally meet you.
@PaulPavlinovich and David mentioned you in one of my posts here on Connect.
They had both seen you on the information about the names of those chosen on the 250 with your group on Telegram for the Aussies going to Connect Live 2019.
I am so happy and excited for you all.
It will be an extraordinary experience you will all have such a great time and be able to share with us all you learn there when you return.
Shine on sweetness. Good luck with the challenge It looks interesting. Have fun.
Thank you for your invitation to be a part of this wonderful new initiative that you are adding to Connect. It sounds very interesting.
You are always so kind and motivational, this seems to be another of your wonderful incentives. You know I am always open to new things here, as it is inspirational for all of our Google Maps Local Guides Connect community members to be a part of any project involving sharing local business and tourist information about our Local areas.
It s super fantabulous to see all the members included in #teamAustralia I am so happy for them all, over the moon to see them as leaders assisting all Aussies here in being cooperative as part of this new project. Another way to join in that is fun and simple for everyone on Connect.
great introduction post, well done #TeamAustralia! I’m looking forward to all episode of this nice tour, I love Australia and it is one of my favorite countries, I have been many times, always east coast, and I think it is an amazing country!