Then I ask for an Uber but I had to wait a lot until a driver accept carry me with my pet. I was rejected three times by differents drivers and three times by the firt one.
Suddenly I got an Uber when we have arrived at Teleférico an announce in the enter prohibited the enter with pets, so I ask the guards if I could enter with Aslan and they said there wre no problem the prohibition was from Vulcano Park. While I was waiting to sell our tickes for cableway, I verified the cost of ticket fot big pets it cost like two of mine, however I paid them with my credit card and the guard let us enter the first because of Aslan. Yeah! In the moment the basket arrived to carry us to the other side I had to carry up Aslan because he got nervious. It was his first trip in cableway.
During the trip a young couple was enj
oying with Aslan company except for a lady who evidently was scaried due to Aslan’s size. We just arrived when a boy approached us and ask me if Aslan bites I said him “Don’t worry, he is very friendly”. After that we start to climbing our first stop was to do lunch. I bought meal with potatoes for $3.00 and canelazos for $1.50. I took the momento to gove some of water to Aslan, he was thirsty.On the way an good - looking Argentine guy ask me to take a picture of him with Aslan. Once again I accepted it. An announce indicated that there whre almost four hours to make summit. So we decided to go back with our new friend.
Finally I was worried about the prohibition to go with pets in public tranportation, but the bus driver let us use the line and we have arribed at home safely.