As a police officer, my first day to get lost in Nairobi.

I first visited Nairobi in the year 2012 having graduated from the Kenya police college kiganjo in Nyeri county.

My experience at that time was not well received since I had only graduated from secondary school and went straight to kiganjo police college.I was to meet my uncle Benjamin Tallam at Hilton hotel on the said date of 24th August 2012 at around noon. I alighted from the bus and proceeded to ask our bus driver the way to the said Hotel who gladly showed me the way towards Hilton. " You see that red building up there, ? Take a right turn and on your left you will a nother building called Lazarus, go past Lazarus and in front of you another building painted white called Kencom will be in front of you and you will see Hilton on your left" He said. I was more than confused with all this direction given to me but I decided to give it a try.

After taking my first right turn all building’s were almost alike with so many names on one building denoting the different business taking place inside and therefore I didn’t know which name was the building name.

I asked another person who was passing by who looked at me and said in swahili " Hapa ni Nairobi, wewe utaibiwa sahizi" to mean, this is Nairobi, people will steal from you now. He gave me another look and hurriedly walked away. I was really shocked on why people never cared to help me out and yet if they come to my village in Eldoret I would gladly show them the way and perhaps offer to take them there the way I helped our assistant chief to know the house of Josephine the previous year.

I continued looking for the said Hilton hotel and I found myself at Kenyatta international conference centre where I saw police officers in uniform, narrated my ordeal to them and that Is the moment I realised that even the little money I had in my pocket were long gone.

The officers took me to the said hotel where I met my uncle who was shocked when I explained what my first experience was in Nairobi.

He took me to his house in Ruiru and helped me to board a bus back to my village in Eldoret a waiting police deployment to Garissa county.

Later on when I bought a smart phone and interacted with Google maps I decided to help others be it a Kenyans or any other people to atleast reach their destinations in peace through a trusted body,Google Maps by way of contributing information that I knew was true and helpful.