I recently started to write posts here as an amateur but guess what i wrote two posts, first i struggled with uploading photos as th3 size needs to be reduced, second when i am done with the post the post disappeared Goshhhh!! Where is my other post gone without me deleting that. Help!!
If it is any comfort, @EVEA , you are not the only one struggling with this platform. Are you writing your posts on a mobile device? The editing of posts is definitely easier on the desktop version. As for the post that disappeared: perhaps it was marked as spam because you made several edits to it ? That happens sometimes.
@JanVanHaver @Oh yes i did make several edits because i was unable to upload photos. Is there any way i can get my post back. I did put efforts in it :
Fortunately there is @EVEA . Moderators can release posts that were accidentally flagged as Spam, but as it is a long weekend now, this might not happen before Tuesday as the Google Moderators (=Google employees) are not working now. I’m not sure if Connect Moderators (= local guides too) can also do this, but I will tag one of them to at least raise the issue @ErmesT
You are so kind. Thanks enjoy your weekend
Even im new here and two of my original posts were marked spam by the moderator stating that photos were not my original.
Ohh sad. I hope they find some solution.
Ya hope so.
Thank you for the ping @JanVanHaver , you gave me a way to relax a bit from my video preparation. LOL
I just released your post from spam quarantine. Your post is here. Our filter is working to protect the community and you from unwanted content, but sometimes it can be triggered by something and remove a legitimate post.
Moderators are patrolling the quarantine to release the good post so, if your post has been rejected, don’t post it again. Simply tag a moderator (check here and here).
For more information you can read: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?
I will write to you on a separate reply about environmental topics
Hi @EVEA ,
Thanks for sharing your concerns here and I can see your posts are visible.
Please keep in mind that sometimes when you edit your posts several times, the spam filters can catch them easily and send them to the Spam quarantine. If this happens, you will not be able to see them and only a Connect moderator or Google moderator will be able to release them.
Thanks @ErmesT for taking care of these posts during the weekend