Hola @Maldre Bienvenido a Connect! Que lindas fotos. SerĂa muy bueno que nos algo sobre las fotos, son de tu ciudad? O las tomaste durante vacaciones? Contando detalles tus post serán más atractivos. Éstos post pueden ayudarte 14 helpful tips for using Connect Your guide to Connect
TambiĂ©n podĂ©s presentarte a la comunidad AquĂ
Yo soy de Buenos Aires, de dĂłnde sos?
Un dĂa en el “Cerro Otto” / My Guide to travel around Buenos Aires
ideas Recibir Mail con Sugerencias para organizadores de Meet-Ups Virtuales
Hello @Maldre ,
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photo with us. Are these pictures taken from two different locations, or it’s the same city? By adding more details to your posts, you make them more attractive to other Local Guides.
You seem to be new on Connect so, please take some time to read the following article which will help you in the Community: How to choose a topic for your Connect post.
You can always introduce yourself and get to know other Local Guides via our monthly topic Introduce Yourself - June 2020.