Argentina #ExploreTheMapsChallenge

Let’s see how expert you are at finding a place on Google maps.

All Local Guides around the world are welcome to participate in the #ExploreTheMapChallenge!!!

Country of this week’s challenge: Argentina

Can you find these places by their most famous Landmarks icon?

Here are some hints to find out places:

  • It’s one of the most emblematic buildings in the Argentine capital.
  • This place was designed by Saudi architect Zuhair Faiz.
  • The museum receives over a million visitors annually.
  • The Museum was created to promote knowledge of the history of sanitation works.
  • This building was used as the seat of the town council during the colonial era.
  • This museum has the biggest collection of Argentine art.
  • The Argentine national flag was raised in the city for the first time.
  • The building was designed by Italian architect Mario Palanti for the businessman.
  • This is the main opera house in Argentina.
  • This place is situated in the Plaza Fuerza.

What is the Explore the Maps Challenge?

Every week, we will share with you the icons of famous places of any one country. All you have to do is find this icon on Google Maps. When you locate that location, you must submit the location’s name and a link to it in our challenge post.

The fascinating part is that if you’ve ever visited that place, don’t forget to share a photo with us so that our Local Guides friends may see it through your eyes as well.

#ExploreTheMapsChallenge Schedule

- Australia

16 August 2021

- India

23 August 2021

- Mexico

30 August 2021


6 September 2021

- Brazil

13 September 2021

- Indonesia

20 September 2021

And much more…

This #ExploreTheMapChallenge has been started with the goal of gathering knowledge on important landmarks in many countries. If you want to find out more, check out our post.

Do you want to help me? I would love to help make a hint !!! If you want to… please send me 10 hints for our next challenge via private message.


Last quiz winner

Congratulations… @PrateekAgarwal


@NareshDarji Yay. Thank you brother :heart:


Debido a que este reto tiene como tema central Argentina, mi respuesta será en español @NareshDarji

Creo que ya identifiqué todos los íconos, pero me temo que en el banner uno de ellos esta repetido… Si es asi, quizá quieras cambiar el banner. Para no arruinar la diversión solo compartiré los datos de 3 de esos íconos pero estoy ansioso por ver fotos de nuestros amigos Local Guides que ya hayan visitado presencialmente todos esos lugares.

Este reto suena muy bien, seguiré pendiente de las publicaciones que corresponden al resto de paises anunciados!

Let´s guide!


Estoy muy contenta de participar de #ExploreTheMapsChallenge. Justo empezaron en el lugar donde yo vivo! Por lo que veo se repitió uno de los lugares y solo había que buscar 9. Aquí están las direcciones:

Teatro Colón: Tuve la oportunidad de ver el Lago de los Cisnes en el 2017. Hermosa experiencia!

Palacio Barolo:

Obelisco: Uno de los monumentos mas icónicos de esta ciudad. Esta foto la saque a las 7 AM un día que tenia que trabajar de fotógrafa en una maratón.

Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA): Tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo con la muestra de Cindy Sherman y Richard Prince en 2018.

Luego volví en 2019 para una muestra de Leandro Erlich.

El Museo de Bellas Artes:

La Torre Monumental: Torre construida por la comunidad británica de la ciudad en 1916 como regalo para conmemorar la independencia.

Centro Cultural Islámico Custodio de las Dos Sagradas Mezquitas Rey Fahd: Lo conocí este año cuando acompañe a mi papá a vacunarse contra el COVID-19.

Museo Histórico Nacional del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo: Museo en la antigua sede del Gobierno colonial que alberga exposiciones sobre la cultura del país.

Museo del Agua y de la Historia Sanitaria:

Espero ansiosa al próximo destino de este #ExploreTheMapsChallenge.


Hi @NareshDarji , it’s a tremendous initiative, I love Quizzes and Travia competitions.

Its sounds so interesting, but I cannot answer them without help of Google Search lollzz :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But let me tag some of my friends from Argentina, maybe they know some answers and will be cause of increasing my knowledge :heart_eyes:

@Cecilita @Jesi @SilvyC

@FaridTDF @EugeGallardo



I like this challenge @NareshDarji but I can’t find the icons on my Maps (not in Android or IOS) do you know why?




Hi @NareshDarji !

Excellent trivia!! I am so excited to see that you started with my city… I do not have photos of every place, but I’ve visited all of them several times.

@AdroGran @Jesi @SilvyC I think we would have to host a meetup to take group photos in all this places. What do you think?

Thanks @KashifMisidia for tagging me! :slightly_smiling_face:

Following my answers:

  1. Centro Cultural Islámico Custodio de las Dos Sagradas Mezquitas Rey Fahd

  2. Palacio Barolo

  3. and 4. Teatro Colon (I think it is duplicated)

This is the most ancient opera theatre in Buenos Aires City. It is said that it acoustics is one of the best ones of the Opera theatres in the world.

Following some photos of a meet up we made in 2019. You can see more photos in this album

  1. Museo Histórico Nacional del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo or “Cabildo de Buenos Aires” as we normally call it

This place was very important during the first years of Buenos Aires City. The Cabildo was the place where the May Revolution in 1810 started and it was the first step to the Independence of Argentina 6 years after.

We also had a meet-up there and you can read the recap and find more photos in this link.

  1. Torre Monumental or “Torre de los Ingleses” as this building is normally called

  2. Obelisco

The Obelisk, is located in the place where the national flag was raised for the first time in the city. Nowadays it is one of the main meeting points of the “porteños”, regarding political demonstrations or for the different celebrations and soccer achievements.

  1. Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires or MALBA

  2. Museo del Agua y de la historia sanitaria

  3. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes


@NareshDarji @SilvyC I found all of them on the map. It is tricky sometimes, these icons don’t show up always! Any special prize for finding all of them?


Here are my answers from my hunt!

  1. Museo Histórico Nacional del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo

  1. Palacio Barolo

  1. Teatro Colón

  1. Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA)

  1. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

  1. Torre Monumental

  1. Museo del Agua y de la Historia Sanitaria - Palacio de Aguas Corrientes

  1. Obelisco

  1. Centro Cultural Islámico Custodio de las Dos Sagradas Mezquitas Rey Fahd


I like your answer in Spanish. Don’t worry about the repeated icon, it is not a part of the challenge. It’s just a hint for finding the location. @LightRich I hope you take part in the rest of the challenges as well.

Excellent… @CamilaPardo I’m glad you took part in this challenge and found 9 places. That’s really great.

Thank you very much @KashifMisidia bhai, I hope you will continue to support me and take part in every challenge.


@SilvyC please update your app, may be you are using old app version.

Excellent :ok_hand: @Cecilita

Thanks a lot for taking time and sharing all places and beautiful pictures with us. These pictures really helps to our Local Guides community to see these amazing places through your eyes. Thanks for sharing these pictures.

Great work @jayasimha78

Yes it’s little tricky :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . Currently there is no any special prize for winners.


9 places so far @PrateekAgarwal

You are really good map explorer. Thanks for participating.


I guess the last place on the list is

Monumento Histórico Nacional a la Bandera

Here the Argentine flag was raised for the first time.


Great find @jayasimha78 . But I think Casa Rosada is not the answer.


@PrateekAgarwal You are probably right, since I am doing pattern matching. How about the one on the Map? Isn’t that Casa rosada?



Yes. Initially I was also looking at the icons. The icon on the map is surely of Casa Rosada, but I couldn’t find any reference to it from the clues mentioned. @jayasimha78

We have to wait for @NareshDarji to answer :grin:


@PrateekAgarwal @NareshDarji Based on my pattern matching skills (which is not that great), there is a duplicated ICON I think! Not sure if this a trick Naresh is making us fall in to :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, you are right @jayasimha78 and @PrateekAgarwal

It was my mistake and I apologize for that. The icon I’ve miss placed.


No problem @NareshDarji

You’re doing a fantabulous job at preparing this quiz. There’s no need to be sorry.

We’re eagerly waiting for the answer :smiling_face::smiling_face:

Casa Rosada/National Flag Memorial ?

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@NareshDarji No worries, It is a fun challenge, Unintentional mistakes makes it even more interesting, you know how it works in #statechallenge too.

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