Am identificat contributori care posteaza imagini in care , artistic vorbind , sunt prezente alte imagini .
Mai mici , mai mari … uneori voluntar ( firme / antreprenori ) cu obiect de activitate “centre de copiere”/publicitate in sustinerea activitatii lor …dar, fara a fi copii 1:1 … !! dar si alteori involuntar …, contributorul neavand alta posibilitate de a evita prezenta respectivului panou/tablou/indicator/forma.
Pe urma … , daca incerci sa faci corectii , eliminare , “crop”-are , alterare gama de culori ( accentuare sau netezire ) , alte interventii , imaginea in sine nu va mai avea legatura cu realitatea…, devine o compozitie.
Intrebare : Sunt apreciate/binevenite astfel de situatii sau incalca vre-o regula ?
I am writing here in English, but the page I shared to you is in Your Language
"Stylistic adjustments (such as applied filters) are acceptable, provided that these stylistic changes are minimal and are not appended elements such as borders, text, collaged images, etc. Content that makes it difficult for others to understand the environment you’re sharing may be rejected. Examples are excessively dark or blurry images, significantly rotated compositions, and use of filters that dramatically alter the representation of the place. Images must be of a sufficient resolution. Exact requirements may vary by photo type and point of upload. For videos, only upload content that is stable and has good visual quality. Content that is out of focus, shaky, or has bad exposure should not be uploaded. Distorted or corrupted videos are not allowed."
To summarize I can say that yes, there are rules, and adjustment can be applied only to improve the quality of the photo, but not for alteration of the reality. Google Maps provide also an Image edit tool, integrated with Google Photos, to edit a bit your photos before to add them, but we should not abuse of that tool
The photo and copyright guidelines from Google are very clear on this.
You should not upload collages or artistic interpretations/manipulations. Only upload photos you have taken yourself. Preferably very resently.
The photo guidelines says filters and adjustments should be keept to a minimum. Mixing and stolen images are clearly a No Go.
The point is that photos on Google Maps should be helpful to Maps users. Artistic manipulations goes against the purpose of showing maps users what the place looks like.
So feel free to flag such photos as bad quality when you see them.
Please consider editing the title so other local guides can better find and learn from your question. How about Are photo collages permitted? Rather than just Photos.
Thank you for reaching out. You can follow the tips that fellow Local Guides kindly shared with you.
In addition to that, I am marking @ErmesT 's reply as a solution, so other Local Guides can refer to it. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers when searching on the Connect. Please take a look at How do I mark comments as solutions? article.
As well, I changed the title, so it will be easier for Local Guides to understand what the post is about.
The How-tos section of Connect is the board where you can share your questions related to the Local Guides program or your Google Maps contributions. To keep Connect more organized, I will move your post there.
P.S.: Just to let you know, as your post is written in Romanian language, I’ve added the Romanian language label to your post.
Better confirming twice!@MortenCopenhagen , as this is a real issue, very disturbing when you see a photo posted multiple times with different edits, like a kind of “points multiplier”. Totally useless for the users