April 1, 2019 Humorina Odessa

It was a bright and interesting day. On April 1, a parade dedicated to the Day of Humorina took place in Odessa, and all famous and talented people gathered on the main street of the city.

Popular Ukrainian pantomime comedians from the Mask Theater Odessa performed at a concert in the city center.


The guys in the costumes of their favorite characters of games and films showed their talents of acting and dance skills.

The jury selected the best contestants.

It was very nice to see a Cosplay show in my city. In general,it made this day brighter and more interesting.

Overwatch May

And Other Heroes

Leading the show in costume Batman


Hi @Svitlana-Chepurna and welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing some of the photos which you had the pleasure of capturing at this event. Would you please tell us a little bit about the fest itself? I’m sure that a lot of people will be interesting to learn more about it. By the way, sharing more information about the images you upload help others better understand what and why you are sharing. If you are interested to learn different ways how you can create even more engaging photo posts, feel free to check this article - How do I write a post on Connect.

I’ll also take this opportunity to let you know that every member on Connect have a 1000 photos limitation. To avoid the risk of reaching that limit, I would like to recommend that you read the following publications, to better understand how to best manage your photo posts:

P.S.: I merged both of your posts in a single thread, as they share the same subject matter. This will prevent clutter on Connect.

Thank you! It was very useful for me! I deleted some photos of the same subjects. And I write some my feelings about those day to create more information.

I’m so happy that you find my tips helpful @Svitlana-Chepurna ! If you have any questions or issues, don’t ever hesitate to reach out. All you have to do is mentioning me or any other Google Moderators by writing @ before our names in your post. This way we’ll receive a notification that you are trying to reach us. :slight_smile:

See you soon and note that I’ll be looking forward to your future posts.