Hello, I am new to this community and I am very excited. I am currently writing to the program via the Android application, but is there no appstore application for this?
Hello @ByHuzur
You are highly welcome to local guides connect forum. We hope you’ll enjoy your time interacting and sharing your knowledge on the forum.
There isn’t any app for connect as such. It isn’t on Google play store or any other app store. You just make a bookmark of it on your phone. That’s the closest to an app you can get of this.
Hope this answers your question. Happy 10th anniversary to the local-guides program.
@ByHuzur تحياتي لك لقد تم جوابك من قبل الاخ المشرف (شولايب)ارجو لك النجاح . تحيه من الاردن لك
What @SholaIB said is correct. In another words, you can add Connect to your home screen by clicking on “add to the home screen”! @ByHuzur
@ByHuzur Just curious of what kind of program you’re trying to create? Are you trying to write a 3rd party app for this community? It would be helpful if you can elaborate to see what you’re trying to do is feasible or not.
I don’t make applications, I wanted to know if there is a more convenient way to connect to this forum with an iPhone.@iyudhi
Got it @ByHuzur I must have misunderstood what you were saying then. Like what others have said, there are no native apps for both Android and iOS.
I am currently writing to the program via the Android application
Can you explain what you meant when you said the above then? What Android application are you referring to?