N.B This event is very different from Road Mappers. While road mapper presents the roads and challenges to local guides. We TRACians hunt for the roads to be added personally and add them.
This season of TRAC is not only exciting but full of energetic road champions. I have to say I appreciate all our participants. Everyone is very active on the job. Like I often say,I have realised that they are the best group of local guides I know. Their dedication their loyalty,they are quite friendly. They are intelligent,they are united and the list goes on…
Now we started this event on the 23rd of March 2024. It’s about a month and a half,imagine we have gotten 50k approved roads on Google maps. This is more than impressive,excellence isn’t enough to qualify our activities. Far beyond what words can express. Thank you all our participants !!!
We have achieved 50% of our target. I believe at this rate we will achieve our target in no time. Now we will not plan to increase it as we often do and have done in the past. We will leave it open and fly as high as we can !!! We have learnt alot of skills and made various discoveries regarding adding roads.
Tips and tricks we’ve learnt.
Make sure it’s clearly seen on satelite mode as a road. The AI on roads like that. Lol
Adding roads one after the other gives higher approval rate.
Best practice to connect new roads to be added to already existing road ls on Google maps
Shorter roads gets approval quicker
When adding be precise in moving the mouse along the road to be added. Etc…
We have room for a few more dedicated local guides. You can be part of this story.
We also kindly request for a screenshot of your profile photo showing the number of roads you have before participating in TRAC
Username on connect to be able to access the Google maps profile and to follow your progress as we go along and perhaps tag you on our posts on connect as well.
Geographical location
There is a link to our telegram group on the form. Feel free to join or not. It’s optional. Nevertheless it’s very interesting interacting closely outside connect.
Meet-up and group discussions are a possibility for instructions and motivations
We will plan to publish top 10 highest contributors at the end of the event in September all being well.
Please Note: This is not a competition it’s a simple campaign. It is aimed at creating awareness on drawing roads.It’s also aimed at improving the maps network worldwide. There are no gift or medals at the end of the campaign.it’s a voluntary activity like all local guides activities.
Disclaimer This campaign or post about adding roads, is unofficial and it’s my personal initiative to help improve the maps. Note that any information collected will not be used for any other official purpose outside connect forum.
Look forward to active participation and interactions over this. All questions are highly welcome and we are open to improving and editing this campaign for good
The TRAC campaign is going great. All the participants here are working as One Team under the leadership umbrella of @SholaIB .
The energy within the team is infectious. Everyone here tries to take others along to this wonderful Road adding journey. This is the place for Zero to Hero. There are many examples of that and some of them are very well reflected in the graphs shared in this post.
Not to be mentioned though but we are having great Fun Time with each other in the team. What a bonding!!!
Wish everyone all the best and soon we will go beyond the target.
Hello @SholaIB ,Huge congratulations to the TRAC team members for achieving 50K roads! A big thank you to @MarcoDavoli and @Rednewt74 for their consistent updates and support with charts. Thank you @sholaIB for your guidance and encouragement!
@Kumaarsantosh I love your comment here about going from Zero to Hero. A few months before TRAC I was at ZERO roads and started adding one road per month just to show an upward trend on @AdamGT Leaderboards. When TRAC started, I’d reached 4 roads. When TRAC ended, I was at 421 roads. Today I’m at 688 roads and finally reached HERO, tipping my points over the 50,000 mark. Thanks to @JustJake and @TerryPG for pushing me to join the effort.
@tony_b You are definitely a dedicated TRAC Star! Congrats on Leveling UP!
You, @Rednewt74 , and @TerryPG jumped right from Road Mapper into TRAC with tenacity and did AWESOME.
The ability to level up from adding roads you mentioned is nuts. It was just a few months ago that @TerryPG was giving me flack for taking 8 years to get to level 9. Since then, I hit Level 10 three times over. And it wasn’t even the first TRAC campaign that did it. I started the 2023 campaign with 325 roads and almost added 1,000 by the time the six months were over. But that helped me understand the process and learn how to find and draw more efficiently. It was the short November challenge that kicked me into gear, and then (again, Terry) the New Year’s Resolution of being the Top US Road Editor, which I accomplished by February.
Thanks @JustJake . Now you mention New Years Resolution, I guess you remember what mine was. Aiming for LESS screentime in 2024 than previous year. Good job on enticing me to completely derail from this objective.
And here’s my chart as at the date I last submitted my monthly info:
Interesting to look back at the history. After an agonizingly slow and gentle movement upwards, the first acceleration there is due to including videos last year, then after the February dip, there’s the steep climb attributable to drawing roads. Maybe I can stop now, but you and I both know that won’t happen.
@tony_b I can’t believe what an impact the videos had! I really need to get on board with those. But, yours looks a whole lot like mine. Thanks, @SholaIB
But wait @JustJake because there’s more LOL. Have a look at @tony_b 's points chart That’s amazing Anthony and I love the way your chart shows not only your adventure into video and roading, but also the dip due to the February Google Maps media issue. A nice one!