Apply for joining connect live 2019

As an often solo traveller I find Google Maps very helpfull. In fact this is a tool I use every time I travel to make the navigation as smooth as possible. Fantastic to feeling so free and independent and knowing finding out where to go will be no problem in an estimated time that reduse stress so you actually enjoy every minutte of your trip Checking out what to do in the area where you are and find nice places to eat is great value. And all this good thing I apreciate, I want to give back So all the good experiences Ive had I share on google maps myself rate and comment so the good energy pases on and others will have the chancetto have the same good experience. Love this! For the moment i particupate in the Norwegian championship in water slide in Skien Fritidspark. Used Google Maps to find the way from the bus to the hotell and shared my experience from both the hotell and the place where the event was held. Hope others will be inpiered and want to check out this cool sport again and haveing a good time in theese facileties.Thanks for makeing my travel life more enjoyable and easier :hugs:


Hi @boertung ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for your contributions via Google Maps! Maybe this is the post with which you are applying for Connect Live 2019 or perhaps you’ve already applied for it. In this post you can find everything you need to know about writing a post for your Connect Live 2019 application. If you think you are missing some of the points mentioned, you can always edit the post and add them.

Feel free to have a look at New to the community for more information about the Local Guides program, as well as 14 helpful tips for using Connect.

P.S. I will relabel your post to Local Stories.

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Hello @boertung ,

Please be advised that I removed the Norwegian language tag from your post as it is written in English. For more information, check out this post How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

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