I have been posting pics and reviews for over two years and NEVER realized there was a WONDERFUL group of people chatting, let alone meeting up all around the world*. I’m still learning how to navigate around so pardon any mistakes I will MOST Definitely make! I did receive a couple new friend achievements and also a popularity achievement, which I have to say is the first time my name and popularity have been associated lol. So Hello to everyone and TY for letting me join you! Prayers for everyone’s safety!!!*
Hello @PippinLindsay11 and welcome to LG Connect. You may want to introduce yourself. See this post to find out more. Introduce Yourself - April 2020.
This is my introduction from April 2017. I’ve since lived in Prague for 18 months before Qatar where I am currently.
Regards, take care and stay safe.
Hi @PippinLindsay11 Welcome to Connect. I was in the same boat as you. You will fit right in. : )
Have you had a chance to take a look at “Your guide at to connect.”? It’s a good starting point for this forum.
Thank You @sparekh I will def have to check it out!!! It’s almost like I started backwards so all suggestions are welcome lol Ty really
@PippinLindsay11 you will caught up in no time. The community is really helpful.
Awesome @TheEagleEye I most certainly will. Thank you so very much!
@PippinLindsay11 no need to apologies. We are LG friend here. Keep continue to the forum. You will get to know more things about connect very soon.
Welcome to LG Connect @PippinLindsay11 and I look forward to reading your posts in the various topics here on Connect.
@ShakilAK Thanks so much and I certainly will. Prayers go out to you and you family!
Thanks so much @AdamGT Hopefully soon enough everyone can get back to exploring! Peace n prayers to you and your family!
Hi @PippinLindsay11 thanks for sharing your thoughts. Welcome to the best family in the world.
Greetings from Jordan
@OSAMA_1 thank you so much for that beautiful welcome. It could not have come at a better time
When I first started posting my reviews I didn’t realize there was this Wonderful community of people getting together, discussing and interacting. I would give my review an always felt like I was finally contributing to people as if I had a purpose. I actually gloated to my parents about being a LG!
Now that I have been enlightened w LG connect I am truly horrified to even think I could give anyone my opinion let alone review a business! I’m not technically savvy and am so overwhelmed with learning there are specific places to even post a comment or share a hello at. So needless to say your comment came at a great time and I could not be more thankfu!!! Bless you and your family and stay safe
Hi @PippinLindsay11 . That’s is great you are stepping ahead and have a Spirit of enthusiasm of Maps’ contribution.
We can stay in touch. Just hit any of my social shown down and welcome as a friends.
Thank you so much!!!