Anyone explain me ? How can I use street view studio. When I take a 360° photo from street view but now days it’s not working. how can I upload 360° here anyone know about this . So please explain how can I use this app
Hello @ShubhamPathaK
The street view app is closed before few days back. It’s not again we can’t add the 360° photos from now.
Continue by adding the normal photos with helping.
If my message is not helpful please be patience for the response from the Moderators.
Thank You, Keep Contributing! All the best
Hello @ShubhamPathaK
To add 360° photos to a map is done the same way we add a video or photo to the maps. You click the particular pin on the maps and attach your 360 directly as opposed to taking a 360 degree and launching it loosely on the maps.
Have you read the article about this? If you haven’t please have a look Introducing-Street-View-Studio-for-360-photographers . Hope that helps to answer your question.
Happy guiding
Hallo @ShubhamPathaK , thanks for asking.
A good starting point for you is: Questions about Street View? Read this first. The post will address you to the help page (Use Street View in Google Maps ), where the use of street view in Maps is clearly explained
Another article in the help page will provide you the procedure. Publish & connect Photo Spheres : "You can upload individual Photo Spheres to Google Maps the same way you publish flat images by using the Google Maps app, or the Google Maps platform on your computer. You can also use apps made by other companies, which also allow you to link your Photo Spheres into connected indoor or outdoor virtual tours. Check the app maker’s website for instructions.
After you create links in the chosen tool and publish them to Google Maps, allow up to 4 days for processing to complete."
Street View studio has not be designed to add individual photos, but only to generate Blue Lines at the Street Level, as you can read in the post shared by my friend @SholaIB
Hi @ShubhamPathaK ,
I can see that you’ve received some great advice and resources to help you with your query. Let us know if you need anything additional!
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