Any meet-up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Hi everyone.

Is there any meet-up in Jeddah Saudi Arabia?

I know it is not common to have such social events in KSA, still I’m wondering if there is any plan, let me know.


Hi @rashidsial

you can find out about meet ups around you here or you can also host one. Meet up Home Page

you can also check on راضي he is from Saudi Arabia


أهلاً وسهلاً بك أخي @rashidsial

للأسف ليس هناك الكثير من اللقاءات ولكن يمكنك البحث عن اللقاءات القريبة منك عن طريق هذآ الرابطاتمنى لو كنت في جده لكي نقيم لقاء لكن للأسف انا من مدينة حائل

Thanks @Sagir for letting me know


Saudi local guide :saudi_arabia:


مدينة ممتعة التسوق وقضاء وقت تريح النفس

Hi @rashidsial

Thanks for sharing your inquiry!

I do believe that the community in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia would be quite active, as I would also like to mention some Local Guides from the region - @Burdi and @KARAKKAM (with many others that are also helping with the Local Guides community) or you can search in Connect for mentions of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia or any other cities nearby, to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into these conversations, engage with the Local Guides near you, and plan a meet-up.

For a more proactive approach, why not take the initiative and start one meet-up? Make sure to check the handy post How to organize a successful meet-up as well as to check in case for existing ones in the Meet-ups page.

Yes @Aruni here in Jeddah not much active i will boost here in jeddah as you said arranging a meet-up, and i planned that

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