Any London meet-ups happening soon? Or any suggestions?

Hi everyone, I’m just thinking that in London we don’t seem to have enough meet-ups occurring and it’s a real shame. Has anyone got any suggestions for a future meet up? For sure I definitely would participate but I get the sense that there is a slight lack of enthusiasm .

C’mon Local Guides…Let’s meet up!

I’m traveling Europe with a friend and will be in London the from the 24-26th of March. It is a while away still, but it would be a fun way to meet new people!

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That sounds excellent. Yes let’s definitely do something and let’s have a think about what we could do.

Thank you for the interest :yum:

Going to tag a few London Local Guides that I know…perhaps they have something in the works?

@TaraM @BenRoss @angelaymlau

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Hello everyone @RichardF , @MaciG , @Shirley , @TaraM , @BenRoss , @angelaymlau ! There’s still quite some time before April but here’s Aprils Fools’ Jester Party organised by @DanielD. Have you also checked out our new meet-up site? :slight_smile:

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We used to have them all the time but I’ve been a bit busy with work recently :disappointed: Will put my thinking cap on and suggest something soon.

That link to the April fools event just links blankly to google maps?

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Hi @TaraM , could you send a screenshot of what you see when you open the link to the meet-up?

This is what you should see:

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