Anti Virus gave warning when visiting a website

I was checking a location on maps. When I clicked on the website link, I got a warning. Something along the lines" This connection is not secure" I normally ignore this warning so I clicked to to the website. Once the first page of the website loaded, my Anti virus went off. The website was infected.

I click on the map location and tried to put a warning on the location but couldn’t so I just put beside the listing name that the website is infected. Google did not accept my edit.

I am still new local guide.

How should this type of edits be reported?


Hello @etoilethay

First, one should not even attempt to access a website which does not start with https://
Still, that doesn’t guarantee safety. Good that your AV software warned on accessing the site.

Once determined that the site is malicious, then try to notify the owner in case of a claimed business.
Else, you should use the “Send feedback” option to inform about the phony website.
Further, if nothing happens, you can include a screenshot of that feedback & then tag a Google moderator to expedite the change.

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I would attempt to contact the business owner as they probably don’t know @etoilethay but for safety I would also remove the website from Maps by suggesting an edit to delete the website from the entry but only do this if you are absolutely sure its not a false positive from your AV software.

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I don’t see a button for feedback when I suggest edits. Where is the feedback button?

@PaulPavlinovich those business pages belong to business owner. Falsely flagging a business page affects those business owners and their source of living. I wouldn’t flag a page without investigating and checking. Karma bites :slightly_smiling_face: