Antalya Most Beautiful Places

Hello, I live in Antalya. I love to travel. Especially ancient cities, museums, waterfalls, canyons and natural formations. Antalya has an ancient city and many natural places. I came to Antalya about 5 years ago and decided to live here.

I travel a lot. But pictures and videos did not share the internet. But now I opened a channel and share the videos I shot. Those who are tourists in Antalya generally cannot know the places to visit in Antalya. They generally travel with tour companies. But one or two places daily. If there is a chance to rent a car, it can be traveled to 4 places daily.
Places close to Alanya, places close to Side, places close to Antalya, places near Antalya Kemer, Tekirova and Kumluca.

Sorry I don’t know much English. I wrote with the help of Translate. If you want to ask questions about Antalya, please feel free.

Youtube Video


@Antaliya Hello! I wanted to know your name to contact you. :slightly_smiling_face: But this is advice. :slightly_smiling_face: Glad to welcome you to Local Connect guides. I looked at your photos on Google maps - amazing!

Wish you luck!
Greetings from Ukraine.


Hi my name is Yusuf

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