Annual Migration of the Monarch Butterflies


Usually, each year in month of October, the Monarch Butterflies begin to migrate from Canada and United States all the way to Michoacán, Mexico to spend the Winter months in forests in warm Mexico. They migrate back north in Spring. Amazing these small creatures fly thousands of miles, without Google Maps! The Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary in Pacific Grove, California is one, of many, locations the Monarchs stop to rest. It is hard to plan, as a tourist, exactly when to visit to see Monarchs…each year is different time.


It’s a really very nice butterfly! How did you manage to capture the photo? Which camera and lens did you use?

It will be very nice if you add the description under the photo.

I would like to point you to an article we have that is going to make it easier for posting on Connect - 14 helpful tips for using Connect.

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Hello there!

Yes, for me, the Google chat boards are not intuitive in format. I must keep posting, Trial & Error learning LOL

All my Canon cameras, and Hi end Sonys were stolen a few years ago. My primary activity is in Video, I film cultural dancing. My YouTube channel is “Amigo Kandu”, with 13 Million views of my videos.

The Monarch, I photo’d with a simple Sony HX400 point & shoot. But it has powerful zoom in the permanent lens. The butterfly was up in a tall bush, behind a barrier. It was a long shot.

Also, I try to shoot early in the day, or at sunset, using natural low-angle light. Old-timer tricks!