In episode 25 I help people to understand the importance of managing images from copying off the camera all the way through to the grave - literally as I do discuss what happens to your collection when you pass.
I talk about duplication, backups and utilising cloud services all to facilitate managing your photos. You may think you don’t make enough images that you need to manage them, but one day you’ll discover a bit of a mess on your hands if you don’t do it.
This great tips will surely come handy if utilised. Especially now that one can save on cloud and Google photos can sort your images based on categories.
Thanks for putting this up @PaulPavlinovich I will surely explore all the tips…
I love the AI based image recognition sorting @Sagir it is probably Google Photos best feature. Lightroom has facial recognition but nothing else. I want to know where all the pictures of my cats are :).
Especially the bit at the end about the free cloud storage services is really insightful. Without wanting to spoil things for those who have not watch it (and at the same time teasing them to go watch it ): you indeed always have to consider the full process when opting for some service.
first of all happy new year long awaited able to see your post ,as this helpes the space problem too as duplicate storing eat the space too some extent specially those who operates specilly with mobile ,which is more handy now a days ,i am sure this post will be more helpful for our community hence tagging few friends
I’m glad you found it useful @Reallylucky feel free to view anything you might find helpful in the other 24 episodes.
@JanVanHaver very true - I guess its something I’ve learned over the years of designing integrated systems, a quick answer now often leads to more work in the future tidying up the mess I made :).
@user_not_found I’m very pleased at your confidence at such a young age, please feel free to make your own. Note that someone under 18 cannot be in the Local Guides Program so please exit the program, you’ll be welcome back when you’re 18.