Ancient Indian Culture, Occupation, Working.

In Ancient days the people of India. how they work, teach, dress up all the things were we get to see in this tiny statues.


Hello @1Kiran_IND ,

Thank you for sharing these amazing photos with us. Are these pictures taken from a museum, and which one is it?

I enjoyed looking at these miniatures portraying the way people used to live, work and do some handcraft as well.

Hi @1Kiran_IND ,

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

These are some interesting photos, what is the story behind them? Is this place famous among tourists? Can you share more about the place that you took the photos of? I think it will be interesting for other local guide

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Hi Borris,

Thank you very much. you All moderators are so kind & helpful.

All these photos are from the museum only.

I also mention the spot of the museum in the location section.

Once again thank you…



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Hello @1Kiran_IND ,

Thank you once again and I want you to know that, you can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

Furthermore, you can mention the museum on Google Maps using the link leading to it, so others could have a look too.