Not always when it comes to the end it means that everything is over. Indeed, it is an opportunity to give birth to something new!
(image of a sign by davidhyno inviting people to turn an old, lifeless trunk into a beautiful garden)
This is an old trunk that was removed from the river that a few months ago blocked the normal flow of the current:
(old trunk lying right next to the river, photo @ davidhyno)
It was lying right next to the river, along a beautiful walk in the countryside where I, along with my fellow villagers, love to walk or run because you always stay in the midst of nature.
Evidently the Municipality has forgotten it and never removed it.
What to do then with this old, big and now useless wooden trunk?
How could it be Recycled or Reused?
Well, with other people it occurred to us that this old tree trunk could be the natural habitat for small plants or small flowers!
Hence the idea of ​​getting a bit of topsoil, covering the holes in the trunk and then planting a bit of life!
(plants and flowers implanted on the trunk, photos @ davidhyno)
And to involve more people who pass by in front of this trunk every day, I attached a new sign inviting anyone to contribute in giving birth to something new from this old lifeless trunk:
(photo of the sign attached on the trunk, realized by @ davidhyno, which literally says “Transform all together this old trunk in a beautiful garden”)
Little by little, day by day, this trunk is filling more and more with new flowers and new colors:
(Flowers implanted on the trunk, photos @ davidhyno)Unfortunately time is not giving us a hand, as it has been raining for 15 consecutive days in my part and we feel the nostalgia of a bit of sunshine!
But I’m sure that in a few weeks there will be an explosion of colors and life!
(a video by @ davidhyno of the trunk filled with plants and flowers)
Did you also see an opportunity near where you live to give new life or give inspiration to blow out the green thumb of each of us?
How about engaging people with a nice, inviting sign?
If you want, you can freely use mine!
This is the link where you can download the image of my sign (in A4 format) that you can print and laminate (or insert in a transparent envelope to protect it from water) : We create a beautiful garden
And you, dear LocalGuides, do you have other testimonies of recovery or reuse in nature to share here?