An incredible firework at Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia.

"A new year eve and firework at the harbour bridge of Sydney."

Hello dear all!

A warmth greetings from Nepal.

Today I’m going too share my experiences to new year firework at Sydney Harbour Bridge.

It was the 31st December 2016, I and my beautiful wife woke up early in the morning in a apartment at Auburn. We were being a guest at one of my best friends apartment for a couple of weeks. By the next few days, our return to Nepal had already fixed. So we planned to celebrate today’s best time and the new year’s eve will celebrate together with my best friends.

As for this, we planned to to the Sydney Harbour Bridge nearby and to watch live the firework together. We went there after lunch, when we reached there, I was wonder seeing too many people were there from all around the world and no more any places to sit.

Every places were massively packed abs occupied. We searched and searched and on luckily, we found a place near the bridge at Wendy Whiteley’s sacret Garden at evening. We went there and captured a bit space to watch from there. There were lots of people who already captured those places only for watching the a firework from very early the morning.

When the countdown begun, for incoming new year, the whole area had become heated up due to the crowd and their scream welcome message fir happy New year. Exactly at the midnight at 12 night, the firework begun. This was our first experience of these types of huge firework which was incredibly amazing.

The excitement and happiness, can’t express only by words. The beauty of firework was awesome abs beyond the imaginations. So its really incredible. Those are the as some of its pictures that I captured during the eve. Check at once Thank you.








@Mr_Prach excellent post!!! Awsome fireworks!!!


Yes exactly @Male2019 it was an excellent and amazing Firework. I really love it.

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** @Mr_Prach Thank you for your reply and consideration…I feel really emotioned!!!**


Beautiful photos @Mr_Prach

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@Male2019 Its my pleasure. And really glad to hear from too. Thanks for sharing for your feelings. Thanks a lot.

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@ErmesT Thank you very much your kind words. I really appreciate it. And yes of course, I wondered when it comes as solution at first. I hand no idea so simply i accepted. Now I got to know it. Thanks for putting light on it.



Incredible indeed.


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Incredible indeed.


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@shantanu-kaizen Thank you very much. Indeed, those pictures were truly amazing. And yes also the Firework too.


@Mr_Prach really amazing.great fureworks and nice pictures. Thank you for sharing.

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@siddme Thank you very much. Yes it was really great firework and nice pictures too.