An image worth more than 1000 words, that's what they say

Hey everyone,

This my first post on LGC and I think I should definitely get into here more often, this looks like a great community to get people around the world together.

I recently reached level 8 and I’m very exited about the challenge ahead because 50k points won’t be easy to reach, but I’m very motivated and I have lots of trips coming this year that means new places to discover new pics to take and new reviews to post. Im specially exited about visiting Senegal very soon that’s my home land and there’s lots and lots places to add on the maps.

I love taking photos with my phone and since I discovered that I could share them with other people on the maps and at the same time that would helps them to find and discover places I was very happy because like most people every time I want to go to a new place the first thing I do is check it on the maps. But sometimes you don’t get to see well the places because the pics are not great, so I told myself let’s take great pictures of the places that I go so people can have a good idea of have that places really is by just looking at couple pictures and not have to look at all the photos that are available.

Since then I uploaded more than 1.7k photos and became a master photographer