An Encouragement To Keep Making an Impact [500k Photo Views]

Caption: A lot of people are seeing your photos on Google Maps!

My journey with Google Maps started some less than five years ago but I started to be committed last year 2022 around August in [South Africa ](http://South Africa It’s an honor to be part of a local and global community with my inspirational collection of photos. And thanks a lot to LGs and Google Stars for their challenging moments here on LG Connect.


Congratulations :confetti_ball:



Thank you so much @waza28

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Congratulations @Diplomat_Peter :tada: :confetti_ball: Keep contributing :clap: :clap:


@Saiyen your support is most welcome. Thank you.

Well done and a BIG congratulations on your 500 MILLION+ photo views achievement @Diplomat_Peter . That’s a fantastic achievement and when we think that every single view has helped someone, you have certainly helped a lot of people!

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Congrats this is well deserved!! Thank you for doing what you are doing!! #keepguidng

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Thank you @Wesrey93 for taking time to show your appreciation. :pray:t6:

Thank you so much @AdamGT , you are always a Guiding Star of note to us. By the way :blush: it is a 500000 thousand milestone reached thus far, am yet to climb some mountains.

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Thank you @Diplomat_Peter , my bad. If I’m making mistakes like this, I’d better rest up before I start prepping the March leaderboards lol.

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Am still yet to share my Star photo on leaderboards. @AdamGT

First time round the procedure will be unfamiliar so given we’re fast approaching the end of the month, it might be a good idea to have a go sooner rather than later @Diplomat_Peter

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