Amsterdam: A Metropolitan City, offers Horse Carriage, Boats, Cycle, Tram etc.

Not many metropolitan cities can be found which allow (along with very fast moving vehicles) cycles, horse carriage, tram and boat extensively throughout the city. See;


Hello, Amsterdam! I love to explore you one day. Beautiful!

Hi @shantanu-kaizen
Great and amazing photo.
Thank you for sharing

Best Regards

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Hello @shantanu-kaizen ,

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of Amsterdam, what camera did you use?

I’ve been once to this city and it left a very remarkable memory on me, was this your first visit? Did you travel with the boats along the canal?



Thanks for your interest.

I visited this place twice and stayed there for more thana week. I travelled there with boats along a small part of the canal. Entire city is covered with canals.


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Hello @shantanu-kaizen ,

Thank you for your feed-back, I guess you enjoyed the city a lot!

Please, have in mind to tag correctly the Connect moderators using the necessary space before writing the @. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

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Hi Dear colleagues @shantanu-kaizen
I ask you to use the “AT” Sign mark ( @ ) before the profile’s name if they want to reply to a post. for example @Rezgar
In many posts, I see something that the audience is unclear, thank you.
Please space

Best Regards

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Sure, thank you you for reminding me.



I shall take care of it. Thank you for your suggestion.


Hi @shantanu-kaizen ,

Thank you for sharing your photos of this wonderful city Amsterdam! I just wanted to let you know that I removed the accepted solution from @BorrisS 's comment as it doesn’t answer any question or doesn’t solve any issue you might have. The purpose of this feature is to help Local Guides find answers when searching on the Connect. For more information you can take a look at How do I mark comments as solutions?