Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA is 30

Caption: A photo showing Local Guides standing around a wheelchair sign in San Jose

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the passing of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

ADA is 30!

On July 26, 1990 the “Act to establish a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability” was passed by the U.S Congress to remove all forms of barriers against persons with disabilities.

This powerful law has brought about changes in the treatment of differently able citizens in the United States and around the world.

It is perhaps the most enforced, inclusive and exemplary law ever made by any nation to impose accessibility on public facilities.

In regards to accessibility, the ADA has become a reference document for countries like Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. Researchers and institutions also compare the Americans Disability Act with other legislations to understand the rate of accessibility in their studies.

Over the years, ADA has continued to review its provisions in line with current situations especially technological innovations. A major review was done in 2008 and took effect from January 2009.

One Accessibility team has drawn lots of knowledge and practical understanding during our meet-ups in the U.S.A and we have taken the experience back home to see how accessibility can be improved.

ADA, in no small measure has been commendable in inspiring the pursuit of equality for able and disabled citizens worldwide.

We enjoin all Local Guides around the world to help in creating accessibility everywhere for everyone.

Fun Facts about ADA:

1988: The law was sponsored by Senator Tom Harkin.

1990: George H.W. Bush signed it into law.

2009: George W. Bush signed the ADA amendment.

To learn more about accessibility feel free to read “Accessibility Uncovered.”

N.B: July 26th every year is ADA Awareness Day.


Good to know about detailed information with regard to the ADA act @EmekaUlor , I wish similar measures should be taken by all the remaining countries to make the accessibility compulsory for the people with disabilities, especially in the public facilities.


Thank you so much @EmekaUlor for sharing such a detailed post about

Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA. Today I knew about this day by your message and a great video shared by @KarenVChin on social media, I don’t know I can share it here or not, but I really love it.

We have Pakistan’s Accessibility Law

too in my country, but still we are waiting for implements fully in Pakistan. And let’s hope for the best that, one day we would see this world Accessible for everyone, and especially for the people with different abilities.


Thanks for tagging me @KashifMisidia and mentioning me in your comment. Happy to read you enjoyed watching this Americans with Disabilities Act Turns 30 video.

I did more digging after watching the video and learned more about Ed Roberts, the father of the Independent Living Movement, and the universally designed, transit–oriented campus located at the Ashby BART Station in Berkeley building named after him–Ed Roberts Campus.

This building looks like a possible future Connect Live meet-up activity @ErmesT !

@EmekaUlor – take a look at this video. The history of ADA becoming law goes back to 1909 in the US. I found it interesting one of the first civil rights sit-ins in America was for the demand for disability inclusion rights – jobs! - in 1935.




@fasi6083 thank you for your kind words. This is just a brief article about ADA, you can read more from Wikipaedia.

Also almost every country has a disability law but implementation is just the problem. You can read our posts on Accessibility Uncovered link.


@KashifMisidia thank you. Just like Pakistan more than 100 countries signed the UN Convention on Human rights meaning that these laws are there but they aren’t being enforced.


@KarenVChin thank you for sharing the video and more information about Ed Roberts.

ADA journey is long one but at the end it finally paid off. I learned more about ADA in this course

One of my plans at the last Connect was to host the meetup at Ed Robert Campus or Jose State University but the schedules didn’t make it possible.