Kata seorang rekan, Nick Hattu, pantai Hunimua Liang dulu memiliki garis pantai lumayan jauh dari batas daratan, sehingga terdapat area pasir putih yang sangat luas yang membuat pantai ini sangat indah. Pada saat gempa besar yang lalu, lempengan darat turun yang membuat garis pantai bergeser ke arah daratan yang menghabiskan daerah berpasir. Hal ini membuat banyak pohon tumbang karena tergerus air laut.
Hal ini membuat karakteristik pantai berubah. Kini pantai dipenuhi oleh pohon tumbang, yang melahirkan keindahan baru. #AmbonTrip
Hello @HarryMakertia
Welcome to connect. I love your photo and post but you could have written more as a matter of interest.
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Welcome back to Connect @HarryMakertia
I like beaches and this picture looks really amazing. Even though the shores of this beach have changed due to the earthquake, But it still looks very beautiful.
Can you tell us where this beach is located and how to get here?
Hunimua Liang Beach is located on the island of Ambon, one of the 1300 islands in the Moluccas archipelago, Indonesia. Ambon has an international airport, Pattimura Airport, which can be reached from Jakarta. There are several flights you can take from Jakarta. The average flight ticket price from Jakarta is around 150-250 US dollars. The Moluccas are rich in beautiful beaches with mesmerizing crystal clear waters.
Thanks for the information @HarryMakertia
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I’m totally agree with @NareshDarji that the picture is amazing i like beaches too , will you please share the Google maps link of this place ? What type of adventure sports playing here @HarryMakertia ?
Thanks and have a nice day
Salam kenal sebelumnya @HarryMakertia
Secara pribadi saya belum pernah ke Ambon tapi sering banget denger cerita keindahan Ambon…
Ini nama pantainya apa ya ? Duduk di ranting pohon bersantai Nandang indahnya lautan,terlihat sangat sempurna.
Semoga suatu hari bisa ke Ambon.
Terima kasih cerita pengalaman serunya bersama kita.
Hello fellow LG @HarryMakertia
Excellent starting… Congratulations…
The answers you have given to our Senior LG & Moderator @NareshDarji if added in the main post your, article will be more interesting. You can edit & add it.
How to EDIT your Post in LG Connect.
Caption: The screenshot of a post to show the edit option.
Open your post and at the top-left of your post, you will get the “3 Dot” Menu. When you click on this menu, you will get another drop-down menu - here, the first option is “Edit Menu”. After completing your Editing & Checking, click the save button, at the bottom of your post to “Save your changes”.
Please Ensure to use the “Review” option to confirm the changes, before saving your changes.
Kindly avoid repeated editing, within a short time (Say, within 15 minutes) as this may send your post to spam.
Hope this will help you.
Owh Ambon manise salah satu pulau yang belum pernah saya kunjungi tapi sudah masuk daftar saya. Dulu saya pernah kerja di Palu jadi bisa membayangkan betapa indahnya pulau Ambon.
Salam kenal dari saya di Detroit Michigan dan selamat datang di forum Local Guides Connect dimana para Local Guides dari seluruh dunia terhubung disini @HarryMakertia
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