I received this amazing gift from Google and I’m here to say thanks and share how nice it is.
This is the Super G Eco Belt Bag.
It is recycled and used to be a bottle! How amazing it is hun?!
I received this amazing gift from Google and I’m here to say thanks and share how nice it is.
This is the Super G Eco Belt Bag.
It is recycled and used to be a bottle! How amazing it is hun?!
Hearty congratulations @SarahKa on getting amazing gift from Google. You have earned this because of your continuous effort and contributing quality contents on the map.
All the best!
Hello @SarahKa
Congratulation for your gift
You have achieved this for your hard work.
Best of luck for your next achievement
Congrats, @SarahKa ! I also received the belt bag, but I don’t wear it the cool way like you. I go for the ‘Ever-Prepared Dad’ look and wear it around my waist . I can’t have all of the sunblock and bandaids falling out when I open it!
@SarahKa تحياتي لك.مبروك.ارجوا لك الصحه والنجاح
Congratulations on your gift
Congratulations on receiving special perk from Google @SarahKa
Keep contributing and sharing.
Thanks @Kumaarsantosh , @Tandrima2 , @JustJake , @Mohdmohdaljaman , @Mo_TravelleerX and @NareshDarji .
I’m very proud and happy about it!
Cheers from Brazil!!
Take care
En hora buena felicidades por el maravilloso detalle…
So great to see you @SarahKa ! that really is some amazing swag there . These types of bags are all the rage and I can see and understand why! The G is definitive yet subtle as well.
Congratulations on your gift
Gracias @Carlos23_1 !!
hey @SP31 thanks a lot! These bags are so useful and nice Miss you my friend!!
Thanks @VikramSingh_Valera and @HASHIM_AK !
take care you all!!
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