Always include at least one photo with your post

Have you ever heard the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words? Its not just a colloquialism it really is true. When you see a lovely story from someone here on Connect its just a lot of text and your eyes get tired from all that reading. Sprinkle some images throughout that text and the eye has a resting place and the brain has a feast to chew up and understand.

A good photo helps your post get featured and promoted. So what makes a good photo? One taken by you. The device doesn’t matter, what matters is that you’re sharing a genuine experience that you’ve hard with your fellow Local Guides. A photo you’ve made is 1000 times more valuable than one you grab from the internet.


yes! i try to do this always

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@PaulPavlinovich So True :slight_smile: thanks for the post!

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that will be nice @PaulPavlinovich

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Hehehe and since Connect 2.0 came out you all know why my hint was posted :slight_smile: