Almost at Level 9 / Almost All Master Badges

I’ve been doing Local Guides for quite a while, and I’m actually just under 10,000 points away from finally leveling up to Level 9. I’m also about 585 videos away from the Master Director badge.

I’m just curious, for those of you that are currently at Levels 8-10, about how long did it take you to get to Level 9, and then eventually Level 10?


Master videographer badge? i know about master photographer badge on Gmap .

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Hello @rmackman

Nice ro E-meet you because I didn’t think we have interacted before now on connect.

Regarding the time frame for moving from one level to another,it depends so much on your level of activities. It also depends on which of the contributions you love and contribute most.

As for me, I did **A-high-jump-to-level-9-in-18months. **Feel free to go through that post if you like. Then it took me another year and a bit to **Jump to level 10. **Feel free to read the post if you don’t mind. Now I am close to 400k because of adding roads on Google maps.

It’s good to be mindful of the fact that points are part of it but it’s not the principal thing. Quality contributions matters alot.

See you around on connect somewhere. Keep active on Google maps and interact freely on connect

Happy guiding


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@ShailendraOjha Sorry, I meant Master Director

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@SholaIB thanks for the tips! Super helpful. I actually did try to add some roads awhile back, but they just stayed pending for so long that the roads were eventually added naturally. Not sure if that has anything to do with the location that I live in.

I’ve primarily tried to provide as many positive reviews as I could because I believe these days many people only review when they’re upset at a business. I like to highlight what people are doing right in our area.

Thank you for replying @rmackman

It’s so good to know that you write positive and good reviews. Reveiws are good way of showing anger or dissatisfaction. It’s more of a feedback thing.

There actually area a few tips you’ll like to know about adding roads. Myself and my team on adding roads have gotten thousands of roads approved in about 3 months.

By the way please feel free to join my **Virtual meet-up on roads **on Saturday 22nd June. There is a form to be filled to indicate interest. We will be having a presentation about roads. Nice interactions here

Happy guiding


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