All-time photo views stuck

Hi, Connect!
My all-time photos views is stuck at 6,394 since yesterday afternoon. Before that, it was around 8,300. But now it’s not updating. Also, what is “T” in views?


Well, that counter is not reflecting exactly the total view in real time, @user_not_found , and it is normally updated once per day, sometimes longer.

This is not an issue, but I can understand that, as you started to add content just now, you would like to see how the number moves.

In any case, if I can predict the future, your counter will go down soon, if you don’t change your attitude to become a Local Guide.

Actually you are violating a so big series of rules, that I am expecting most of your recent contributions to be removed quite quickly.

The only result of contributing with redundant photo, and with duplicate photos across location is to be removed from the program

Here below an example (but you know that there is more, including photos that are not yours)

Good Luck. I don’t think Google will give you a lot of time to delete all the useless, duplicates and the photos that are not yours, but if you do a quick clean-up maybe in the future you will become a real, helpful and good Local Guide.

Hi @ErmesT !

Thanks for replying. I understand that count situation.

Now, for my contributions, all the pictures and videos are purely shot by me and are mine. Each and every photo I upload is mine! Regarding duplicates, for example in the screenshot you attached, I uploaded the Flag Monument pictures in Flag Monument location pin, Maze pictures in Maze pin. And this Flag Monument and Maze are in Sanjeevaiah Park so I uploaded them there too. So I don’t think, there are any duplicates. If you have more of such examples of mine, please let me know. Also, if I am wrong somewhere, please guide, I am new here.


Thank you for the feedback, @user_not_found

The scope of contributing in Maps is to make it useful for others, by adding our experience of a place, with photos, reviews, edits and more.

Our photos should represent a situation, without being useless. We have rules about this

Please check the Community policy :

  • “Take photos that clearly and accurately represent a location …**”
  • “Dark, blurry, and redundant photos will be removed. Users who duplicate photos across locations, … will also be removed.”

Redundancy (very similar photos) is one of the classic mistakes made by a new Local Guide. Redundant photos do not give any additional information about the place. That kind of photos should not be posted. just to give you a small example of redundancy. When this king do behavior is repeated, Google may think that you are trying to game the system (getting Points) instead of trying to really help

Duplicate across location is a strictly forbidden kind of contribution and, as you can read from the excerpt of the policies that i shared with you, can end in the removal from the program. Just to give you an example, you added the same photos in CCS Airport, Lucknow , in Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport and in लखनऊ एयरपोर्ट . If the place is, like it seems to be, a duplicate, our duty is to report the place as duplicate, not to add our contributions three times.

A photo must be uploaded only once

If you say that all the photos are yours, I am fine with this.

Hope you now will understand why most of your photos need to be removed

Thank you so much. This is useful reply, I was wondering what happened to my count as well and this might be a problem as some time even after you uploaded the data, maps again ask and then we end up retrying which results in some duplicity.

do you know how can we quickly find such cases in our list of photos and remove such duplicity and other issues?

thanks in advance.

Hi @O_My_God

Tagging the person you are talking with can help to receive a reply, so please in the future use @ and select from the pop-up the profile of the person you are responding to. I’ve checked your reply casually, as it was lost in a wave of other notifications.

In any case, the reason why the count is not updated is technical, and it happens to everyone in this week. Time by time, if Google has an higher need of resources, prioritize the most important services, and delay other “less important” services, like updating the visualization count.

In any case a good cleanup to remove contributions that are against the aforementioned rules is always a great practice, also to avoid issues with your account

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@Thanks @ErmesT for your quick response and guiding me to use this app in an efficient way.

Need of resources, prioritizing the important services and delaying the less important tasks totally make sense to me. Numbers are not focus but the impact is. I was just curious to know what all can cause this and found this useful post and the response of yours and learnt from you about the duplicity, cleanup and more from the policy which is very reasonable.

Not urgent but a few things seems possible to try in future -

  1. It might be worth adding a feature to find the duplicates and other such issues with an option to remove (automatically if we go more advance and there is no legal issues). Novice users may not read the policies in detail and end up doing such common mistakes

  2. Filtering the existing images or blurry images out can also be an option (during upload)

I will be happy to know if this is already part of your program (even lower priority).

Please forgive me if this all does not make sense for some good reasons.

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