All reviews deleted after joining local guides

Good afternoon!

I am a new member to the local guides, but seems like I have had that tag for some time after making many contributions to Google reviews. Recently it asked me to join the community and I agreed.

One thing I am confused about, after joining I made 3 reviews from this past weekend and went to view my profile and was very shocked! All of my reviews but my recent 3 are gone ( roughly 50-100 reviews). I’m wondering if anyone could help me locate or understand what happened as this is a huge letdown and possible stop use of Google reviews. I not only provide reviews for new customers and potential clients for business but also for myself to know what places are worth going back to try.

Please help!

Hi @Spencerclay

Please check if you used the same Google account. Most of us have more than one.

Reviews very rarely get deleted instead they get hidden so only you can see them. You only added 2 reviews using your current Google account.

All the best
