All NYC Subway Station Entrances Are Wrong On Maps

I was at 34th Street Penn Station on the A, C, E subway lines yesterday and I stood directly in front of the Accessible Elevator Entrance on 34th Street and 8th Avenue. From 31st and 8th Avenue, to 33rd and 8th Avenue, to 34th and 8th Avenue, to 35th and 8th Avenue, there are 13 separate above ground entrances for this Station. The Accessible elevator location is not even listed on Google Maps. On the NYC Transit website for that elevator location is this: For easiest ​​ service, take elevator on SE corner of 34th St and 8th Ave. What does that mean? So Accessible Entrances are only for people in mobility devices? So a blind person needs to β€œlook” at where the SE corner of 34th and 8th Avenue is or a deaf/mute person needs to figure that out as well? I’m using Google Maps APIs.

Various Street Level 34th Street Penn Station A,C,E Station Entrances

Some LG who are posting replies defend Google and the MTA. Firstly, posting official subway station entrances is not to be left up to regular, non MTA employees to save money. Secondly, public transportation is not primarily a local initiative. It is a federal initiative, overseen by the US Department of Transportation and the point agency being the Federal Rail Administration. I am a proficient user of Arcsis and I will be attending the Federal GIS Conference where Map layering, Public Mapping and various map platforms such as Google, Apple and Truckers Map platforms will be discussed. It’s the technology of where. This is a Federal initiative and I’m happy to interface with this group of geniuses.

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