Hi, do you have the same problem. Today all my points for reviews are disappeared. The reviews are still there but the points no. I was even downgraded. What happened? Can someone tell me?
Hi, do you have the same problem. Today all my points for reviews are disappeared. The reviews are still there but the points no. I was even downgraded. What happened? Can someone tell me?
Hi @MTiborKovacs ,
As I can see you have 66,455 points in total. Do you mean points for a specific review have disappeared?
You see all of them except the last couple.
I think I had this same problem at one time. Is it the same when you view your profile in incognito window? Have you tried clearing cache?
@MTiborKovacs please tag me with the @ sign every time you want someone to see you respond, as I did with your name.
Your reviews look like the screenshot that you pasted. Can you please force a log-out on your devices by clicking on the Log Out button in the UI, clear browser cookies/cache, and Log back in.
It is not working! There must be an other problem! In all my 3 devices is the same problem at the same time. So it must be a central problem.
I have tried but not working. Photos are ok just reviews. I am worried.
I had over 66.000 points and over 700000 views on my reviews and not its 0 and stays there. What can I do? This is my last letter from Google. I am wasted!
Thank you @MTiborKovacs
There is something strange @VasT
in fact I can see a long series of reviews in the profile (I am not sharing them for privacy), even if opening the profile you see: 1 review
BTW, clicking on the profile, the number is 7
and opening a review, you see 1038
@MTiborKovacs , I raised your issue to the appropriate team. Can you please confirm that you open your contributions in incognito mode and you weren’t able to see them? Thank you in advance.
@MTiborKovacs , happy to help we are here to facilitate you as much as possible.
De repente me han desaparecido todas las reseñas en la zona de puntos. Pero entro en mis reseñas y aparecen todas. Me han quitado todos los puntos obtenidos por las reseñas. ¿Cómo puedo ver que ha pasado?
Hi @AtacamaSol
Other people already had the same issue, and for everyone it seems to be fixed after a few hours.
I am merging your post in that thread, to see how the situation has been fixed by others
Thanks it’s solved really.
Am having same issue last 3 days i hope it will solve automatically but its till not sloved am worried what to do